Year 1
The CIRM Genomics Data Coordination and Management Center has made steady progress on our milestones over the last six months. We continued development of a database that stores files and descriptive tags for stem cell genomics projects, and developed a web site that allows authorized users controlled access to these data. The site includes a file browser that displays quality statistics, labels, and tags for each file. For many file types, the file browser provides a link to the UCSC Genome Browser where the data inside the file appears as a track. We imported test data sets from the labs of Stephen Quake (CIP2, Stanford) and Michael Snyder (CIP1, Stanford) into a test version of the database. We imported our first CIRM-funded dataset from the Kristin Baldwin lab (Scripps) into a firewall-protected production version of the database. We interviewed several additional labs, some of which may have data ready by the next reporting period, and have started building software in anticipation of their needs.