Medical Device Translational Research Projects

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The mission of California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) is to accelerate world class science to deliver transformative regenerative medicine treatments in an equitable manner to a diverse California and world. 

The objective of this initiative is to create a highly competitive opportunity for promising regenerative medicine (stem cell-based or gene therapy) projects that accelerate completion of translational stage activities necessary for advancement to clinical study or broad end use for any one of the following product types:

  • TRAN 1: Stem cell-based or gene therapy therapeutic candidate 
  • TRAN 2: Diagnostic (including medical imaging agents) based on stem cells, or critical for stem cell-based or gene therapy development or use 
  • TRAN 3: Medical device (non-diagnostic) for a stem cell-based therapy or critical for stem cell-based or gene therapy development or use 
  • TRAN 4: Novel tool that addresses a critical bottleneck to the discovery or development of stem cell-based or gene therapy 

Please see our Funding Opportunities page for more details

ICOC Approval:
April 19, 2022
Total Awards:
Award Value:


Institution Investigator Grant Title Award Value
University of California, Davis Aijun Wang PhD Living Synthetic Vascular Grafts with Renewable Endothelium $3,082,579