Shared Resources Laboratories to Enhance In Vitro Stem Cell Modeling and Training

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Grant Number:

Human Stem Cell Use:
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Grant Application Details

Application Title:

Shared Resources Laboratories to Enhance In Vitro Stem Cell Modeling and Training

Public Abstract:
Our broad objective is to expand access to equipment, services, and training within our areas of excellence. Through knowledge sharing and collaboration, we aim to add value to the CIRM SRL network. We seek to build on our historical success and foster excellence in California stem cell research.
Statement of Benefit to California:
The SRL will provide access to specialized instruments and innovative stem cell models not currently available to researchers in all areas of California. We have embedded workforce development efforts into each of our SRL offerings to deliver new expertise across the state. Our participation in the CIRM SRL network will support basic and translational research to accelerate development of regenerative medicine scientific discoveries into solutions for unmet medical needs of Californians.