IPSC Repository

The CIRM iPSC Repository is a collection of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines produced from tissue samples obtained from thousands of individuals by researchers in California through funding from the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM).

The CIRM iPSC repository provides researchers with access to iPSC lines for research studies that will enhance the understanding of disease development and progression, thus facilitating the discovery and testing of new drugs and treatments.

The iPSC repository supports research on regenerative medicine and the impact of genetic diversity on diseases and treatments. Included cell lines represent African, Hispanic, Native American, East Asian, South Asian, and European ancestries.

With access to such a comprehensive range of cell lines, researchers we fund can better understand and address the unique needs and genetic variations among different populations. 

To explore products and cell lines and learn more about the CIRM iPSC Repository, visit the FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics website. Please contact Uta Grieshammer at ugrieshammer@cirm.ca.gov with any inquiries about the CIRM iPSC Repository.

small test tube experiment