Emeryville, CA – Robert Klein, Chair of the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee and Chair of the Site Search Subcommittee for the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, made the following statement regarding today’s close of the bidding period for request for proposals for a permanent site for the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, the state stem cell agency created with passage of Proposition 71. Municipalities and partnering property owners had until 5:00 pm today to submit bids to the California Department of General Services:
“We are very pleased to have read and seen recent news reports indicating that so many cities and communities throughout California have submitted proposals to the Department of General Services for permanent headquarters for the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. We share with the cities their excitement about the prospect of finding a permanent home for the Institute and advancing stem cell research in California.
In an effort to stimulate and promote robust public participation in this process, we encourage all of the bidders to post their proposals, in their entirety, on their respective websites so that there is full and open access to them for the public.
Finally, I would like to express my personal appreciation for the tremendous commitment to the advancement of stem cell research from the great cities of California.”
Fiona Hutton
Julie Buckner