At the end of Year 1 of the grant period, our team has made substantial progress and achieved quite a few of the milestones initially established for the entire 3 year period. A retinal cell bank has been established for research purposes and, in addition, initial clinical-grade cell production is now under way with the target of generating 3 clinical cell banks. We have shown that our human cells are able to help blind rats to see following transplantation to the eye. We have developed a range of methods to help prove the safety of our cells, both before and after transplantation, with definitive long term tests results to be obtained over the next few months. We have begun to unravel the molecular genetics of the cell and are specifically investigating what give them the ability to preserve vision in the face of progressive blindness. In summary, work is advancing rapidly and ahead of schedule, consistent with a realistic, achievable biological strategy. On behalf of the patients who we know are depending upon us, our team is committed to seeing this technology into the clinic in the shortest possible timeline.