San Francisco, CA – CIRM, California’s stem cell agency, is holding a free, one-hour webinar to let people know about the big changes being introduced under CIRM 2.0 and how it can help speed up research and make it easier and faster for researchers to get the funding they need when they need it.
CIRM 2.0 is a radical overhaul of the way the Agency operates. It introduces faster, more efficient systems and programs that place added emphasis on speed, partnerships and patients.
We launched CIRM 2.0 on January 1st with the posting of Program Announcements for three funding opportunities.
PA 15-01: Funding Opportunity for Late Stage Preclinical Projects
PA 15-02: Funding Opportunity for Clinical Trial Stage Projects
PA 15-03: Funding Opportunities for Supplemental Accelerating Activities
We are now holding a free, one-hour webinar to explain the changes, how they work, what they mean for you and how you can apply for funding.
The webinar is at noon PT on Wednesday, January 21, 2015
To register for the event go here
Highlights of CIRM 2.0 improvements include:
Speed: In addition to reducing the average time to funding from 22 months to 120 days, applications for new clinical stage projects may be submitted to CIRM year round instead of only once or twice a year as in the past. Applications simply have to be filed by 5pm PT on the last business day of the month to be eligible for consideration in that round of review. If you miss the deadline one month, you only have to wait 30 days for the next one.
Partnerships: Under CIRM 2.0, the Agency will not act as a passive funding source, but instead will be an active investor, devoting significant internal resources and leveraging its vast external team of world-class subject matter experts to advance the projects it selects. This will result in a true partnership that both accelerates programs and gives them the greatest opportunity for success.
Patients: Each project will be partnered with a project-specific Clinical Advisory Panel (CAP) to help advise and guide it forward. Importantly, every panel will include at least one patient advisor with first-hand experience of the specific condition, who will provide input, recommendations and the appropriate sense of urgency that can only come from the unique perspective of someone living with the disease.
About CIRM
At CIRM, we never forget that we were created by the people of California to accelerate stem cell treatments to patients with unmet medical needs, and act with a sense of urgency to succeed in that mission.
To meet this challenge, our team of highly trained and experienced professionals actively partners with both academia and industry in a hands-on, entrepreneurial environment to fast track the development of today’s most promising stem cell technologies.
With $3 billion in funding and approximately 300 active stem cell programs in our portfolio, CIRM is the world’s largest institution dedicated to helping people by bringing the future of cellular medicine closer to reality.