The Scientific and Medical Research Facilities Working Group of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) will hold four public sessions to assess the current need for additional stem cell research facilities in California.
WHO: The Scientific and Medical Research Facilities Working Group is responsible for advising the governing board of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) on grants to fund the development of new stem cell research facilities in California. The list of members is available here.
WHAT: The Facilities Working Group is holding four public workshops to assess the need for new stem cell research laboratories in California. At its first session (May 31), it will hear presentations from representatives of UC San Francisco, Stanford, and UC Berkeley; from USC, UC San Diego, UCLA and UC Irvine at its second (June 4); from UC San Diego and UC Irvine Vice Chancellor Wendell Brase on June 11; and from Robert McGee, Chief Architect for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute on June 19.
The May 31 meeting agenda can be found here. Agenda for future meetings will be posted on the CIRM Web site 10 days before each session.
All sessions are open to the public, and public comments are encouraged
Thursday, May 31, 2007
3:00 6:00 p.m.
Miyako Hotel
1625 Post Street
San Francisco
Monday, June 4, 2007
1:00 3:00 p.m.
Luxe Hotel
11461 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles
WHY: The CIRM has earmarked $222 million for grants to California non-profit and academic institutions for the development of major new research facilities. The Institute expects to begin soliciting grant applications in August 2007, and take funding recommendations to its governing board in the first quarter of 2008. These public sessions are intended to gather information for the development of the criteria that will be used to evaluate the major facilities grant applications.
Proposition 71 authorizes the state to issue $3 billion in general obligation bonds to support stem cell research in California. Up to $300 million (10 percent) can be devoted to the development of new facilities at non-profit and academic research institutions. Current federal policy prohibits research involving human embryonic stem cells isolated after August 2001 from being conducted in laboratories constructed with any federal funding. In addition, California is expected to see continued growth in this emerging biomedical research field (more than 30 stem cell scientists have already moved to the state since passage of Proposition 71, for example), creating a demand for additional research facilities.
Contact: Dale A. Carlson