Publications by Grantees

The following list of publications describe research carried out with CIRM funding. Click on the publication title for a brief summary of the research and for more information about the CIRM grants that contributed to the research.

Title Year Journal
mir-17-92: a polycistronic oncomir with pleiotropic functions. 2013 Immunol Rev
miR-294/miR-302 Promotes Proliferation, Suppresses G1-S Restriction Point, and Inhibits ESC Differentiation through Separable Mechanisms. 2013 Cell Rep
Missense Mutations in Plakophilin-2 Cause Sodium Current Deficit and Associate with a Brugada Syndrome Phenotype. 2013 Circulation
Mitotic spindle orientation predicts outer radial glial cell generation in human neocortex. 2013 Nat Commun
MK5 activates Rag transcription via Foxo1 in developing B cells. 2013 J Exp Med
Modeling heart disease in a dish: From somatic cells to disease-relevant cardiomyocytes. 2013 Trends Cardiovasc Med
Modification of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells with CD19-specific chimeric antigen receptors as a novel approach for cancer immunotherapy. 2013 Hum Gene Ther
Modulation of beta-catenin function maintains mouse epiblast stem cell and human embryonic stem cell self-renewal. 2013 Nat Commun
Modulation of TET2 expression and 5-methylcytosine oxidation by the CXXC domain protein IDAX. 2013 Nature
Mouse TU tagging: a chemical/genetic intersectional method for purifying cell type-specific nascent RNA. 2013 Genes Dev
Multifunctional T-cell Analyses to Study Response and Progression in Adoptive Cell Transfer Immunotherapy. 2013 Cancer Discov
Multivalent ligands control stem cell behaviour in vitro and in vivo. 2013 Nat Nanotechnol
Myc binds the pluripotency factor Utf1 through the basic-helix-loop-helix leucine zipper domain. 2013 Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Myeloproliferative Neoplasia Remodels the Endosteal Bone Marrow Niche into a Self-Reinforcing Leukemic Niche. 2013 Cell Stem Cell
Natural Killer Cell-Activating Receptor NKG2D Mediates Innate Immune Targeting of Allogeneic Neural Progenitor Cell Grafts. 2013 Stem Cells
Negative regulation of Shh levels by Kras and Fgfr2 during hair follicle development. 2013 Dev Biol
Neural Stem Cell-Mediated Delivery of Irinotecan-Activating Carboxylesterases to Glioma: Implications for Clinical Use. 2013 Stem Cells Transl Med
Neuroglobin expression in neurogenesis. 2013 Neurosci Lett
Neuronal rac1 is required for learning-evoked neurogenesis. 2013 J Neurosci
Nipah virus envelope-pseudotyped lentiviruses efficiently target ephrinB2-positive stem cell populations in vitro and bypass the liver sink when administered in vivo. 2013 J Virol
Novel biomarkers of arterial and venous ischemia in microvascular flaps. 2013 PLoS One
Novel Tools, Classic Techniques: Evolutionary Studies Using Primate Pluripotent Stem Cells. 2013 Biol Psychiatry
Nuclear factor one b regulates neural stem cell differentiation and axonal projection of corticofugal neurons. 2013 J Comp Neurol
Oct4 Cell-Autonomously Promotes Primitive Endoderm Development in the Mouse Blastocyst. 2013 Dev Cell
Opposing chemokine gradients control human thymocyte migration in situ. 2013 J Clin Invest
Optimizing dopaminergic differentiation of pluripotent stem cells for the manufacture of dopaminergic neurons for transplantation. 2013 Cytotherapy
Ossifying Fibroma Tumor Stem Cells Are Maintained by Epigenetic Regulation of a TSP1/TGF-beta/SMAD3 Autocrine Loop. 2013 Cell Stem Cell
Parkin mitochondrial translocation is achieved through a novel catalytic activity coupled mechanism. 2013 Cell Res
Pathogenesis of ataxia-telangiectasia: the next generation of ATM functions. 2013 Blood
Patient-specific stem cells and cardiovascular drug discovery. 2013 JAMA
Performance and limitations of positron emission tomography (PET) scanners for imaging very low activity sources. 2013 Phys Med
Perivascular support of human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. 2013 Blood
PGC7, H3K9me2 and Tet3: regulators of DNA methylation in zygotes. 2013 Cell Res
Placental growth factor expression is required for bone marrow endothelial cell support of primitive murine hematopoietic cells. 2013 PLoS One
Pre-clinical modeling of CCR5 knockout in human hematopoietic stem cells by zinc finger nucleases using humanized mice. 2013 J Infect Dis
Preferential biological processes in the human limbus by differential gene profiling. 2013 PLoS One
Presence of native limbal stromal cells increases the expansion efficiency of limbal stem/progenitor cells in culture. 2013 Exp Eye Res
Primordial germ cells and gastrointestinal stromal tumors respond distinctly to a cKit overactivating allele. 2013 Hum Mol Genet
Process-based expansion and neural differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells for transplantation and disease modeling. 2013 J Neurosci Res
Progress in the reprogramming of somatic cells. 2013 Circ Res
Projection reconstruction magnetic particle imaging. 2013 IEEE Trans Med Imaging
Prospective isolation of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiovascular progenitors that integrate into human fetal heart tissue. 2013 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Prostate cancer originating in basal cells progresses to adenocarcinoma propagated by luminal-like cells. 2013 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Protein-engineered injectable hydrogel to improve retention of transplanted adipose-derived stem cells. 2013 Adv Healthc Mater
Proteomic and genomic approaches reveal critical functions of H3K9 methylation and heterochromatin protein-1gamma in reprogramming to pluripotency. 2013 Nat Cell Biol
PTEN controls beta-cell regeneration in aged mice by regulating cell cycle inhibitor p16ink4a. 2013 Aging Cell
Quaking and PTB control overlapping splicing regulatory networks during muscle cell differentiation. 2013 RNA
Quantification of biomass and cell motion in human pluripotent stem cell colonies. 2013 Biophys J
Quantitative selection and parallel characterization of aptamers. 2013 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Quantitative Transcriptomics using Designed Primer-based Amplification. 2013 Sci Rep