Publications by Grantees

The following list of publications describe research carried out with CIRM funding. Click on the publication title for a brief summary of the research and for more information about the CIRM grants that contributed to the research.

Title Year Journal
Identification of miRNA Signatures during the Differentiation of hESCs into Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells. 2012 PLoS One
Identification of Oct4-activating compounds that enhance reprogramming efficiency. 2012 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Impaired placental nutrient transport in mice generated by in vitro fertilization. 2012 Endocrinology
In utero hematopoietic cell transplantation for the treatment of congenital anomalies. 2012 Clin Perinatol
In vitro culture of epicardial cells from adult zebrafish heart on a fibrin matrix. 2012 Nat Protoc
In vivo reprogramming of murine cardiac fibroblasts into induced cardiomyocytes. 2012 Nature
In Vivo Suppression of HIV by Antigen Specific T Cells Derived from Engineered Hematopoietic Stem Cells. 2012 PLoS Pathog
Induced pluripotency and oncogenic transformation are related processes. 2012 Stem Cells Dev
Induced pluripotent stem cell models of progranulin-deficient frontotemporal dementia uncover specific reversible neuronal defects. 2012 Cell Rep
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Patients with Huntington’s Disease Show CAG-Repeat-Expansion-Associated Phenotypes. 2012 Cell Stem Cell
Induced pluripotent stem cells show metabolomic differences to embryonic stem cells in polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholines and primary metabolism. 2012 PLoS One
Induction of NANOG expression by targeting promoter sequence with small activating RNA antagonizes retinoic acid-induced differentiation. 2012 Biochem J
Inhibition of apoptosis blocks human motor neuron cell death in a stem cell model of spinal muscular atrophy. 2012 PLoS One
Injectable skeletal muscle matrix hydrogel promotes neovascularization and muscle cell infiltration in a hindlimb ischemia model. 2012 Eur Cell Mater
Injection of Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells Delays Progression of Renal Fibrosis. 2012 J Am Soc Nephrol
Integrins Regulate Repulsion-Mediated Dendritic Patterning of Drosophila Sensory Neurons by Restricting Dendrites in a 2D Space. 2012 Neuron
Intrinsically determined cell death of developing cortical interneurons. 2012 Nature
Isolation and in vitro characterization of Basal and submucosal gland duct stem/progenitor cells from human proximal airways. 2012 Stem Cells Transl Med
Isolation of Basal cells and submucosal gland duct cells from mouse trachea. 2012 J Vis Exp
Isolation of primitive endoderm, mesoderm, vascular endothelial and trophoblast progenitors from human pluripotent stem cells. 2012 Nat Biotechnol
Key anticipated regulatory issues for clinical use of human induced pluripotent stem cells. 2012 Regen Med
Kinesin light chain 1 suppression impairs human embryonic stem cell neural differentiation and amyloid precursor protein metabolism. 2012 PLoS One
Library-free methylation sequencing with bisulfite padlock probes. 2012 Nat Methods
Limited Gene Expression Variation in Human Embryonic Stem Cell and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Endothelial Cells. 2012 Stem Cells
LIN28 Binds Messenger RNAs at GGAGA Motifs and Regulates Splicing Factor Abundance. 2012 Mol Cell
LINE-1 Retrotransposition in the Nervous System. 2012 Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol
Live imaging using adaptive optics with fluorescent protein guide-stars. 2012 Opt Express
Longitudinal evaluation of MPIO-labeled stem cell biodistribution in glioblastoma using high resolution and contrast-enhanced MR imaging at 14.1Tesla. 2012 Neuro Oncol
Lymphoid priming in human bone marrow begins before expression of CD10 with upregulation of L-selectin. 2012 Nat Immunol
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) for NMR and MRI researchers. 2012 J Magn Reson
Maintenance of human embryonic stem cells by sphingosine-1-phosphate and platelet-derived growth factor. 2012 Methods Mol Biol
Mapping differentiation pathways from hematopoietic stem cells using Flk2/Flt3 lineage tracing. 2012 Cell Cycle
Maternal Cdx2 is dispensable for mouse development. 2012 Development
Maternal microchimerism in patients with biliary atresia: Implications for allograft tolerance. 2012 Chimerism
Measuring energy metabolism in cultured cells, including human pluripotent stem cells and differentiated cells. 2012 Nat Protoc
Mechanisms of telomere loss and their consequences for chromosome instability. 2012 Front Oncol
Mediator and SAGA Have Distinct Roles in Pol II Preinitiation Complex Assembly and Function. 2012 Cell Rep
Mesenchymal stromal cell-based treatment of jaw osteoradionecrosis in Swine. 2012 Cell Transplant
Mesenchymal-Stem-Cell-Induced Immunoregulation Involves FAS-Ligand-/FAS-Mediated T Cell Apoptosis. 2012 Cell Stem Cell
Mesodermal Pten inactivation leads to alveolar capillary dysplasia-like phenotype. 2012 J Clin Invest
Metabolic Regulation in Pluripotent Stem Cells during Reprogramming and Self-Renewal. 2012 Cell Stem Cell
MicroRNA profiling predicts a variance in the proliferative potential of cardiac progenitor cells derived from neonatal and adult murine hearts. 2012 J Mol Cell Cardiol
microRNAs as novel regulators of stem cell pluripotency and somatic cell reprogramming. 2012 Bioessays
Mineralized Synthetic Matrices as an Instructive Microenvironment for Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. 2012 Macromol Biosci
miR-10 Regulates the Angiogenic Behavior of Zebrafish and Human Endothelial Cells by Promoting VEGF Signaling. 2012 Circ Res
miR-125b Promotes Early Germ Layer Specification through Lin28/let-7d and Preferential Differentiation of Mesoderm in Human Embryonic Stem Cells. 2012 PLoS One
Mitochondrial DNA variant associated with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy and high-altitude Tibetans. 2012 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Mixed results for bone marrow-derived cell therapy for ischemic heart disease. 2012 JAMA
Modeling brain disease in a dish: really? 2012 Cell Stem Cell
Modeling neurodevelopmental disorders using human neurons. 2012 Curr Opin Neurobiol