Delivering Stem Cell Therapies to the Clinic: 2010 Town Hall Forums

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2010 Town Hall Forums

Delivering Stem Cell Therapies to the Clinic

A series of town hall forums in Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco will update Californians on the progress being made by CIRM grantees in pushing stem cell therapies to the clinic.

Los Angeles

Delivering Stem Cell Therapies to the Clinic: How disease team researchers are advancing therapies to the clinic for diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Thursday, April 15
The Forum at KPCC
474 South Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA
6:00 – 7:30
RSVP to:

Eduardo Marban, M.D., Ph,D,
Director, Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute

Dennis J. Slamon, M,D,, Ph,D,
Director of Clinical/Translational Research, and Director of the Revlon/UCLA Women’s Cancer Research Program at UCLA Johnson Comprehensive Cancer Center

San Diego

Delivering Stem Cell Therapies to the Clinic: How disease team researchers are advancing therapies to the clinic for diseases like diabetes and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Tuesday, April 20th
San Diego Natural History Museum
1788 El Prado, San Diego
6:00 – 7:30 PM
RSVP to:

E. Edward Baetge, Ph,D,
Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer, Novocell

Samuel Pfaff, Ph,D,
Professor and Helen McLoraine Developmental Chair in
Neurobiology, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies

San Francisco

A Dose of Reality on Alternative Stem Cell Treatments:
What you don’t know can hurt you

A public forum on the responsible path for delivering stem cell therapies to the clinic

Tuesday, June 15
YBCA Forum at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
701 Mission Street, San Francisco
6:00 – 7:30 PM
RSVP to:
Nini Gabra
(415) 396-9255


Tim Caulfield, LLM, Health Law Inst, Univ of Alberta

Claude Gerstle, M,D,, Ophthalmologist and Advocate

Jeanne Frances Loring, Ph,D,, Professor and Founding Director
Center for Regenerative Medicine at the Scripps Research Institute

Doug Sipp, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology

Deepak Srivastava, M,D,
Director, Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease and Distinguished Professor in Pediatric Developmental Cardiology, University of California, San Francisco