State Stem Cell Agency ICOC/Governing Board Meeting June 22-3, 2011

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Stem Cell Agency ICOC Meeting



Organized Pursuant To The

1. Call to Order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Roll Call.

[Members of the Public will be invited to provide testimony before or during consideration of each item. Makers of public comments are asked to limit their testimony to three (3) minutes.]

Reports & Discussion Items

4. Chairman’s Report.

5. President’s Report.

Action Items

6. Consideration of candidates for Chair of the Governing Board of CIRM, including election and compensation of new Chair.
* Nomination letter from Governor
* Nomination letter from Lt. Governor
* Nomination letter from Treasurer
* Nominations letter from Controller
* Frank Litvack Letter & Bio
* John Thomas Letter & CV
* Letter to Board from Frank Litvack
* Endorsement Letter from Bernard Siegel
* Letter from Bill Lockyer
*Letter from Eduardo Marban
* Letter from Senator Diane Feinstein

Closed Session

7. Discussion of Personnel (Government Code section 11126, subdivision (a); Health & Safety Code section 125290.30(f) (3) (D)).

Public report of any action taken, if necessary, during closed session.

Action Items

8. Consideration of minutes from previous Board meeting.

9. Consideration of Standards Working Group Resolution on U.S. Clinical Trials.
Resolution from Standards Working Group Re: Clinical Trials

10. Consideration of Report Regarding IOM Study.

11. Consideration of staff recommendation to correct the amount of the grant award approved by the Board for TR2-01794 under the Early Translational II RFA.

12. Consideration of re-appointment of Grants Working Group members with expiring terms

13. Consideration of process for obtaining supplemental information from applicants for Disease Team and Clinical Trial Awards.

14. Consideration of recommendations from Governance Subcommittee regarding the following:
a.MEMO from Board counsel summarizing amendments to Internal Governance Policy
*Internal Governance Policy – Amendments
b. Code of Conduct
c. Consideration of contracts above $250,000, but below $500,000, including The Mitchell Group, Kutir Corporation, and Nancy Koch.

15. Consideration of proposal for funding extension to Training II Awards.
*Table for Training Grant Overview

16. Consideration of proposal for funding extension to Bridges to Stem Cells Awards.

17. Consideration of concept proposal for New Faculty Physician Scientist Translational Research Award.

18. Consideration of Concept Clearance for Proposed Opportunity Fund Program.

19. Consideration of augmentation of budget of the Office of the Chair to fund, as necessary, contract for federal governmental relations support.

20. Consideration of recommendations from Legislative Subcommittee regarding the following:

a. Position on US Senate Bill 23 and H.R. 1249.
*Bill HR 1249
*Bill S 23
*Comment HR 1249 Patent Reform Coalition Letter
*Comment HR 1249 Gulbrandsen Letter RE: HR 1249

b. Position on California AB 190.

c. Amendment to Board bylaws to authorize Legislative Subcommittee to take action, by a two-thirds vote, between Board meetings with respect to state and federal legislation.

d. Proposed Additional Agenda Item – Consideration of H.R. 1862 (The Regenerative Medicine Promotion Act of 2011
*Memo from Scott Tocher “Regenerative Medicine Promotion Act of 2011” – HR 1862
*Bill HR 1862

21. Consideration of position descriptions for Chief Financial Officer and Director of Public Communications.
Position Description for Director of Public Communications
Draft Position Description for Cheif Financial Officer

22. Swearing In of New Chair

23. Consideration of resolution honoring Robert N. Klein for his service to CIRM, stem cell research and California patients.

24.Proposed Addtional Agenda Item – Consideration of creation of Intellectual Property Subcommittee and appointment of Subcommittee leadership and members.

Discussion Items

25. Public comment. The Committee will accept public testimony on any matter under its jurisdiction that is not on the agenda, but the Committee cannot act on any such matter at this meeting.



The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and its Independent Citizens Oversight Committee, and any subcommittees thereof, comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by ensuring that the meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities, and providing that this notice and information given to the Members of the Committee is available to the public in appropriate alternative formats when requested. If you need further assistance, including disability-related modifications or accommodations, you may contact Melissa King at the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine at 415-396-9100 no later than the day prior to the meeting.

Questions or requests for additional information prior to the Independent Citizens Oversight Committee meeting may be referred to Melissa King at the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine at or 415-396-9100.

This meeting agenda is also available on the website for the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine at .