State Stem Cell Agency ICOC Agenda 8/19/09

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California State Stem Cell Agency

Meeting Notice & Agenda

Regular meeting: 
Independant Citizens’ Oversight Committee to the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine

Organized pursuant to Government Code section 11346.5(a)(17) and
the California Stem Cell Research and Cures Act



Open Session

1. Call to Order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Roll Call.

[Members of the Public will be invited to provide testimony before or during consideration of each agenda item. Speakers are asked to limit their testimony to three (3) minutes.]


4. Approval of minutes from December 9-10, 2008, January 29-30, April 29-30 and June 17-18, 2009 ICOC meetings.


5. Chairman’s Report.

6. President’s Report.


7. Consideration of recommendations from the Legislative Subcommittee regarding:

a. CIRM’s response to the Little Hoover Commission Report on CIRM

i. Little Hoover Commission Report on CIRM
ii. Memo from Remcho, Johansen and Purcell to Little Hoover Commission
iii. Letter from Senate Majority Leader Dean Florez to Little Hoover Commission

b. Endorsement of a public healthcare option as part of national healthcare legislation currently under consideration by the US Congress

8. Consideration of approval of new members of the Grants Working Group and process and delegated authority for approval of Working Group chairs.

9. Consideration of adjustment to honoraria for non-ICOC members of Grants Working Group.

10. Consideration of Concept Proposal for CIRM Research Leadership Awards.

11. Consideration of Concept Proposal for CIRM Stem Cell Transplantation Immunology Awards.

12 Consideration of designation of Art Torres as Chair of Legislative Subcommittee.

13. Consideration of recommendations from Grants Working Group on applications for Basic Biology 1 Awards.



a. Discussion of confidential intellectual property or work product and prepublication, confidential scientific research or data relating to applications for Basic Biology 1 Awards. (Health & Safety Code 125290.30(d) (3) (B) and (C)).
b. Discussion of Personnel (Government Code section 11126, subdivision (a); Health & Safety Code section 125290.30(d) (3) (D)).

Public report of any action taken, if necessary, during closed session.

*It is expected that most of the items below this point will occur on August 20, 2009*


15. Continuation of consideration of recommendations from Grants Working Group on applications for Basic Biology 1 Awards.

16. Consideration of interim regulation regarding CIRM Intellectual Property Policy provisions applicable to CIRM loans.

17. Consideration of consolidation of for-profit and non-profit Intellectual Property regulations.

18. Consideration of update to Scientific Strategic Plan.

19. Consideration of update on Loan Program including but not limited to agreements with Delegated Underwriters. 


20. Update regarding Major Facilities projects.

21. Update regarding federal biosimilars legislation.

22. Public comment. The Committee will accept public testimony on any matter under its jurisdiction that is not on the agenda, but the Committee cannot act on any such matter at this meeting.



The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and its Independent Citizens Oversight Committee, and any subcommittees thereof, comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by ensuring that the meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities, and providing that this notice and information given to the Members of the Committee is available to the public in appropriate alternative formats when requested. If you need further assistance, including disability-related modifications or accommodations, you may contact Melissa King at the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine at 415-396-9100 no later than the day prior to the meeting.

Questions or requests for additional information prior to the Independent Citizens Oversight Committee meeting may be referred to Melissa King at the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine at or 415-396-9100.
This meeting agenda is also available on the website for the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine at .