CIRM Funded Clinical Trials

A Phase I, Pilot Study of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes in PaTients with ChrOnic Ischemic Left VentRicular Dysfunction (HECTOR)

Disease Area:
Heart failure
CIRM Grant:
CLIN2-12735 (Active)
Award Value:
Trial Sponsor:
Stanford University
Trial Stage:
Phase 1
Trial Status:
Targeted Enrollment:
18 ID:


Dr. Wu and his team at Stanford University will use hESCs to generate cardiomyocytes (CM), a type of cell that makes up the heart muscle.  The newly created hESC-CMs will then be administered to patients at the site of the heart muscle damage in a first-in-human trial.  This initial trial will evaluate the safety and feasibility of the therapy, and the effect upon heart function will also be examined.  The ultimate aim of this approach is to improve heart function for patients suffering from heart failure