Community Outreach

Keeping California and its communities informed

Building Connections with Communities

As a state agency, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) is committed to keeping the people of California up to date about our investments, scientific progress, and the economic benefits our work brings to the state. We also recognize the wider role we play in reaching diverse and underrepresented California communities impacted by our work.

With this in mind, you can find CIRM online, offline, at scientific conferences, in the community, connecting with patient advocates, and more.

Our presence allows us to connect with more Californians in different ways and includes:

Mainstream Media icon

Mainstream media

Social Media icon

Social media – Facebook, Instagram, & LinkedIn

Conference icon

Representation at scientific conferences

Conversation icon

In-person talks, presentations, and informal gatherings with community organizations

Partnership icon

Partnerships with community members to raise awareness about regenerative medicine

Patient Advocacy icon

Connections with patient advocates in a variety of ways and locations

Commitment to Community

At the heart of our outreach are strong community partnerships, built on trusted relationships with local leaders who engage directly with community members and connect groundbreaking research to the people it is designed to serve.

This includes making sure that the science CIRM funds is clearly explained and understood. It means answering questions and addressing concerns, advocating for patients in the community, recognizing the importance of diversity, and more.

Community partnerships are just one of the many ways CIRM continues to build and maintain the trust of the people of California.

Case Study: Promotores

Wherever she goes, Leticia Olvera-Aréchar speaks about the vital role of promotores, community-based health educators and workers trusted by their communities who share health information and open the door to conversation.

Leticia herself is a promotora and the Program Manager at El Sol Neighborhood Educational Center, a community-based organization that provides services and resources to California’s Inland Empire.

With her help, diverse voices and points of view are part of the community voice. This in turn shapes the future of CIRM by ensuring our programs represent of a wide range of perspectives.

Leticia took part in listening sessions for our Palm Desert and Sacramento Community Care Centers of Excellence.

Get in touch with CIRM’s Community Outreach Team to explore opportunities for partnership in your area:

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