Disease Focus: Blood Disorders

A Phase 1 Study of ECT-001 Expanded Cord Blood and Myeloablative Regimen with Reduced Toxicity in Patients with Severe Sickle Cell Disease.

Therapeutic Candidate or Device ECT-001 graft contains more stem and immune cells than conventional cord blood graft, leading to prompt recovery and better outcomes for patients. Indication Severe Sickle Cell Disease Therapeutic Mechanism Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the only cure for severe sickle cell disease. The ECT-001 expanded cord blood cells will replace the […]

Evaluation of Gene Therapy Approaches for Autosomal Recessive Hyper IgE Syndrome Due to Mutations in DOCK8

A Treatment for Artemis-deficient Severe Combined Immunodeficiency using Non-Viral CRISPR-driven Safe Harbor Transgenesis in Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Research Objective A Treatment for Artemis-deficient Severe Combined Immunodeficiency using Non-Viral CRISPR-driven Safe Harbor Transgenesis in Hematopoietic Stem Cells Impact We aim to develop a novel genome editing based therapy for Artemis-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency that would improve upon prior gene therapies in efficacy, safety, and scalability. Major Proposed Activities Discover optimal approach for nonviral […]

Therapeutics to overcome the differentiation roadblock in Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)

Research Objective This proposal will deliver a small molecule therapeutic candidate for the treatment of Myelodysplastic Syndromes and will act by inducing differentiation on mutated hematopoietic stem cells. Impact This application will enable development of a therapeutic candidate for the treatment of Myelodysplastic Syndromes, a preneoplastic hematological condition of HSCs. Major Proposed Activities Determine the […]

Defining the Optimal Gene Therapy Approach of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells for the Treatment of Dedicator of Cytokinesis 8 (DOCK8) Deficiency

Research Objective A new therapeutic option for DOCK8 deficiency using autologous human hematopoietic stem cells modified through either lentiviral gene addition or CRISPR/Cas9 based gene editing. Impact Allogeneic HSCT is complicated by comorbidities that can be addressed by autologous stem cell gene therapy. This is relevant for DOCK8 deficiency and can be applied broadly to […]

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy for Alpha Thalassemia

Research Objective The objective of this research is to define the final therapeutic candidate for effective hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy to treat severe alpha thalassemia that requires life-ling transfusions Impact Severe alpha thalassemia may lead to fetal demise or a life-long need for chronic transfusions with multiple medical complications, especially iron overload from transfusions. […]

Targeted Immunotherapy-Based Blood Stem Cell Transplantation

Research Objective An engineered antibody construct that targets and recruits immune cells to kill diseased blood stem cells, including leukemia stem cells, so that healthy stem cells can replace the diseased ones Impact An antibody that can direct immune cells to kill diseased stem cells would make stem cell transplant safer, more accessible and effective […]

Small Molecules to inhibit Nemo-like Kinase for Treatment of Diamond Blackfan Anemia

Research Objective We propose to study small molecules that inhibit Nemo-like Kinase, to improve the production of red blood cells in bone marrow stem cells of children with Diamond Blackfan Anemia (DBA). Impact If small molecule NLK inhibitors are identified that are effective in improving the anemia of DBA and nontoxic, then treatment and transfusions […]

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy for X-linked Agammaglobulinemia

Research Objective The objectives of this study are to advance a stem cell gene therapy for the immunodeficiency XLA, defining the final therapeutic candidate and showing therapeutic activity in a relevant mouse model. Impact XLA can be treated with chronic immunoglobulin replacement, but may be sub-optimal due to infections and inflammatory complications. Stem cell gene […]

Genome Editing of Sinusoidal Endothelial Stem Cells for Permanent Correction of Hemophilia A

Research Objective Therapeutic candidate to cure hemophilia A is AAV-based genome editing vector that corrects the disease-causing mutation in the factor VIII gene in patient stem cells to develop a permanent cure. Impact Permanent correction of hemophilia A by editing mutations in the FVIII gene in stem cells. Develop a precise and efficient non-nuclease genome […]