Disease Focus: Kidney Disease

A Human Acellular Vessel in Patients Needing Renal Replacement Therapy: A Comparison with ePTFE Grafts as Conduits for Hemodialysis (HUMANITY)

Therapeutic Candidate or Device Human Acellular Vessel (HAV) Indication Conduit for Vascular Access for Hemodialysis Therapeutic Mechanism Mechanism of action: the HAV is comprised of intact extracellular matrix constructed by human smooth muscle cells (SMC) in a biomimetic bioreactor system. The manufacturing process is designed to create a biologic matrix similar in protein composition and […]

Repair and regeneration of the nephron

Kidney function is essential for removing the wastes that result from normal cell function and maintaining water and salt balance in our internal tissues. These actions are carried out by roughly a million nephrons within the kidney that filter all the body’s blood roughly once every 1-2hours. The kidney also regulates other tissues controlling blood […]

Preclinical Model for Labeling, Transplant, and In Vivo Imaging of Differentiated Human Embryonic Stem Cells

The derivation and culture of human embryonic stem cells has provided new possibilities for treatment of a wide variety of human diseases because these cells have the potential to help regenerate and repair many types of damaged tissue. Diseases for which such cell-based treatments may be helpful include obstructive renal disease, a disorder for which […]

Stefano Da Sacco, CHLA – CIRM Stem Cell #SciencePitch

Sargis Sedrakyan, CHLA – CIRM Stem Cell #SciencePitch

Andrew McMahon, USC – CIRM Stem Cell #SciencePitch

Produced by the University of Southern California