Assessing the Functional, Immunologic and Microbiologic Characteristics of Human Livers Created in Chimeric Pigs

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Research Objective Generating human liver using pig as a bioreactor Impact The livers produced will be used for transplantation into patients with end-stage liver disease, metabolic disorders, and for metastatic…

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Bioengineering human stem cell-derived beta cell organoids to monitor cell health in real time and improve therapeutic outcomes in patients

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Research Objective We will generate nanoprobe-containing stem cell-derived human beta cells that can be monitored in real time in response to inflammatory stress upon transplantation in patients with type 1…

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A new precision medicine based iPSC-derived model to study personalized intestinal fibrosis treatments in pediatric patients with Crohn’s disease

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Research Objective We propose to discover a tool that will utilize patient specific iPSC-derived human mini-guts to identify personalized antifibrotic treatments in pediatric Crohn’s disease patients Impact The major bottleneck…

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Extending Immune-Evasive Human Islet-Like Organoids (HILOs) Survival and Function as a Cure for T1D

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Research Objective Determine optimal islet transplant conditions and systemic treatments that promote graft survival upon transplantation into immune-competent diabetic subjects. Impact Our proposal will optimize the generation and viability of…

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Transplantation of genetically corrected iPSC-microglia for the treatment of Sanfilippo Syndrome (MPSIIIA)

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Research Objective This research will discover whether transplantation of stem cell-derived microglia can be used to treat Sanfilippo syndrome, a devastating and currently untreatable childhood neurological disease. Impact If successful,…

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