Disease Focus: Neurological Disorders

First Annual Stem Cell Therapies for Neurological Disorders: Overcoming the Current Barriers to Clinical Translation, April 30 (special stem cell program for high school students on April 28)

Innovation and Translational Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes and Neurological Diseases: Paving the way for real life solutions


A Phase I/IIa Dose Escalation Safety Study of AST-OPC1 in Patients with Cervical Sensorimotor Complete Spinal Cord Injury

The proposed project is designed to assess the safety and preliminary activity of escalating doses of human embryonic stem cell derived oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) for the treatment of spinal cord injury. OPCs have two important functions: they produce factors which stimulate the survival and growth of nerve cells after injury, and they mature in […]

Huntington’s Disease Team

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a devastating degenerative brain disease with a 1 in 10,000 risk of having a mutation that inevitably leads to death. These numbers do not fully reflect the large societal and familial cost of HD, which requires extensive caregiving. HD has no effective treatment or cure and symptoms progress without stopping for […]

In vitro modeling of human motor neuron disease

Motor neuron (MN) diseases such as spinal muscular atrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis lead to progressive degeneration of MNs, presenting first with muscle weakness, followed by locomotor defects and frequently death due to respiratory failure. While progress has been made in identifying genes associated with MN degeneration, the molecular and cellular processes underlying disease onset […]

Paracrine and synaptic mechanisms underlying neural stem cell-mediated stroke recovery

Stem cell therapy holds promise for the almost million Americans yearly who suffer a stroke. Preclinical data have shown that human neural stem cells (hNSCs) aid recovery after stroke, resulting in a major effort to advance stem cell therapy to the clinic, and we are currently transitioning our hNSC product to the clinic for stroke […]

Assessing the mechanism by which the Bone Morphogenetic Proteins direct stem cell fate

Our goal is to use the mechanisms that generate neuronal networks to create neurons from stem cells, to either replace diseased and damaged tissue or as a source of material to study disease mechanisms. A key focus of such regenerative studies is to restore function to the spinal cord, which is particularly vulnerable to damage. […]

Molecular basis of plasma membrane characteristics reflecting stem cell fate potential

Stem cells generate mature, functional cells after proteins on the cell surface interact with cues from the environment encountered during development or after transplantation. Thus, these cell surface proteins are critical for directing transplanted stem cells to form appropriate cells to treat injury or disease. A key modification regulating cell surface proteins is glycosylation, which […]

Elucidating pathways from hereditary Alzheimer mutations to pathological tau phenotypes

We propose to elucidate pathways of genes that lead from early causes to later defects in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), which is common, fatal, and for which no effective disease-modifying drugs are available. Because no effective AD treatment is available or imminent, we propose to discover novel genetic pathways by screening purified human brain cells made […]