Disease Focus: Neurological Disorders

Engineering Defined and Scaleable Systems for Dopaminergic Neuron Differentiation of hPSCs

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) have the capacity to differentiate into every cell in the adult body, and they are thus a highly promising source of differentiated cells for the investigation and treatment of numerous human diseases. For example, neurodegenerative disorders are an increasing healthcare problem that affect the lives of millions of Americans, and […]

Development of Single Cell MRI Technology using Genetically-Encoded Iron-Based Reporters

Clinical application of cell transplantation therapy requires a means of non-invasively monitoring these cells in the patient. Several imaging modalities, including MRI, bioluminescence imaging, and positron emission tomography have been used to track stem cells in vivo. For MR imaging, cells are pre-loaded with molecules or particles that substantially alter the image brightness; the most […]

Editing of Parkinson’s disease mutation in patient-derived iPSCs by zinc-finger nucleases

The goal of this proposal is to establish a novel research tool to explore the molecular basis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) – a critical step toward the development of new therapy. To date, a small handful of specific genes and associated mutations have been causally linked to the development of PD. However, how these mutations […]

Development and preclinical testing of new devices for cell transplantation to the brain.

The surgical tools currently available to transplant cells to the human brain are crude and underdeveloped. In current clinical trials, a syringe and needle device has been used to inject living cells into the brain. Because cells do not spread through the brain tissue after implantation, multiple brain penetrations (more than ten separate needle insertions […]

Developing a method for rapid identification of high-quality disease specific hIPSC lines

Elucidating how genetic variation contributes to disease susceptibility and drug response requires human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (hIPSC) lines from many human patients. Yet, current methods of hIPSC generation are labor-intensive and expensive. Thus, a cost-effective, non-labor intensive set of methods for hIPSC generation and characterization is essential to bring the translational potential of hIPSC […]

Use of hiPSCs to develop lead compounds for the treatment of genetic diseases

This study will use Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T), an early-onset inherited neurodegenerative disease of children, as a model to study the mechanisms leading to cerebellar neurodegeneration and to develop a drug that can slow or halt neurodegeneration. We will start with skin cells that were originally grown from biopsies of patients with A-T who specifically carry “nonsense” […]

Development of small molecule screens for autism using patient-derived iPS cells

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are a heritable group of neuro-developmental disorders characterized by language impairments, difficulties in social integrations, and the presence of stereotyped and repetitive behaviors. There are no treatments for ASDs, and very few targets for drug development. Recent evidence suggests that some types of ASDs are caused by defects in calcium signaling […]

Development of a Hydrogel Matrix for Stem Cell Growth and Neural Repair after Stroke

Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability. Most patients survive their initial stroke, but do not recover fully. Because of incomplete recovery, up to 1/3 of stroke patients are taken from independence to a nursing home or assisted living environment, and most are left with some disability in strength or control of the arms […]

Site-specific integration of Lmx1a, FoxA2, & Otx2 to optimize dopaminergic differentiation

The objective of this study is to develop a new, optimized technology to obtain a homogenous population of midbrain dopaminergic (mDA) neurons in a culture dish through neuronal differentiation. Dopaminergic neurons of the midbrain are the main source of dopamine in the mammalian central nervous system. Their loss is associated with one of the most […]

Inhibitory Nerve Cell Precursors: Dosing, Safety and Efficacy

Many neurological disorders are characterized by an imbalance between excitation and inhibition. Our ultimate goal: to develop a cell-based therapy to modulate aberrant brain activity in the treatment of these disorders. Our initial focus is on epilepsy. In 20-30% of these patients, seizures are unresponsive to drugs, requiring invasive surgical resection of brain regions with […]