Generation and in vitro profiling of neural stem cell lines to predict in vivo efficacy for chronic cervical spinal cord injury.

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Research Objective This project generates new cGMP compliant tissue educated human neural stem cell lines, paired with in vivo pre-clinical proof of concept testing, and development of a predictive in…

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Identification and characterization of the optimal human neural stem cell line (hNSC) for the treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI) 2.0.

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Research Objective We propose to discover the optimal human neural stem cell candidate for traumatic brain injury. 4 hNSC products (2 ES derived & 2 fetal) will be compared with…

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A tool for rapid development of clinical-grade protocols for dopaminergic neuronal differentiation of Parkinson’s Disease patient-derived iPSCs

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Research Objective Develop a tool that facilitates rapid, cost effective development of optimized GMP-grade hPSC differentiation into functional DA neurons and apply this device to a cohort of PD patient-derived…

Continue ReadingA tool for rapid development of clinical-grade protocols for dopaminergic neuronal differentiation of Parkinson’s Disease patient-derived iPSCs