Disease Focus: Stroke

New Chemokine-Derived Therapeutics Targeting Stem Cell Migration

This proposal describes a sharply-focused, timely, and rigorous effort to develop new therapies for the treatment of injuries of the Central Nervous System (CNS). The underlying hypothesis for this proposal is that chemokines and their receptors (particularly those involved in inflammatory cascades) actually play important roles in mediating the directed migration of human neural stem […]

Embryonic-Derived Neural Stem Cells for Treatment of Motor Sequelae following Sub-cortical Stroke

A stroke kills brain cells by interrupting blood flow. The most common “ischemic stroke” is due to blockage in blood flow from a clot or narrowing in an artery. Brain cells deprived of oxygen can die within minutes. The loss of physical and mental functions after stroke is often permanent and includes loss of movement, […]

Facebook Live: Stem Cells and Stroke

CIRM hosted a special ‘Ask the Expert’ Facebook Live event on May 31st, 2018, to discuss the latest progress in the development of stem cell-based treatments for Stroke. Dr. Gary Steinberg, chair of neurosurgery at Stanford University, talked to us about his work in helping reverse the damage caused by a stroke, even for people who […]

Jonathan Lam, UCLA – CIRM Stem Cell #SciencePitch

Pouria Moshayedi, UCLA – CIRM Stem Cell #SciencePitch

Lina Nih, UCLA – CIRM Stem Cell #SciencePitch

Spotlight on Disease Team Awards: Sub-Cortical Stroke – Introduction

Spotlight on Stroke: Introduction Robert Klein, J.D. and Robert Quint, M.D. introduced the speakers for the “Spotlight on Disease Team Awards: Sub-Cortical Stroke,” an educational event presented at the CIRM Governing Board meeting on August 19, 2010. Klein is chair of the CIRM Governing Board. Quint is a cardiologist and a member of the CIRM […]

Spotlight on Disease Team Awards: Sub-Cortical Stroke – Steinberg

Spotlight on Stroke: Steinberg Gary Steinberg, M.D., Ph.D., spoke at the “Spotlight on Disease Team Awards: Sub-Cortical Stroke,” an educational event presented at the CIRM Governing Board meeting on August 19, 2010. Steinberg is the principle investigator for the CIRM Stroke Disease Team.  He is also the director of the Stanford Institute for Neuro-Innovation & […]

Spotlight on Disease Team Awards: Sub-Cortical Stroke – Cooper

Spotlight on Stroke: Cooper K. Michael Cooper gave a patient advocate’s perspective on stroke at the “Spotlight on Disease Team Awards: Sub-Cortical Stroke,” an educational event presented at the CIRM Governing Board meeting on August 19, 2010. The CIRM-hosted event was presented in Palo Alto, California at Stanford University.