All CIRM Grants

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Institution Researcher name Grant Type Grant Title Award Value
Stanford University Professor Hiromitsu Nakauchi Progression Award – Discovery Stage Research Projects Using metabolic pausing for maintaining stable and high-quality pluripotent stem cells $208,422
Aspen Neuroscience Dr. Andres Bratt-Leal Progression Award – Discovery Stage Research Projects Autologous therapy for Parkinson’s disease: single cell RNAseq for in depth characterization of transplanted cells $177,579
University of California, San Francisco Mark C. Walters M.D. Conference – The 2019 Alpha Stem Cell Clinic Annual Symposium 2019 Alpha Stem Cell Clinic Symposium – Mending Stem Cells: The Past, Present & Future Regenerative Medicine $60,000
University of California, Los Angeles John S. Adams Conference – The 2018 Alpha Stem Cell Clinic Annual Symposium Delivery of Stem Cell Therapeutics to Patients $60,000
International Alliance for Biological Standardization Dr. Anthony Lubiniecki Conference – Manage a Symposium on Pluripotent Stem Cell Manufacturing Basis of Standardization for Cell Therapies $100,000
University of California, Irvine Daniela A. Bota Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Expansion A hub and spoke community model to equitably deliver regenerative medicine therapies to diverse populations across four California counties $8,000,000
University of Southern California Thomas Buchanan Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Expansion Alpha Clinic Network Expansion for Cell and Gene Therapies $7,999,983
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Noah Carvajal Federman Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Expansion Expansion of the Alpha Stem Cell and Gene Therapy Clinic at UCLA $8,000,000
University of California, San Diego Catriona Jamieson Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Expansion UC San Diego Health CIRM Alpha Stem Cell Clinic $8,000,000
University of California, Davis Dr Mehrdad Abedi Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Expansion Alpha Stem Cell Clinic for Northern and Central California $7,999,997
City of Hope, Beckman Research Institute Dr. Leo D Wang Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Expansion The City of Hope Alpha Clinic: A roadmap for equitable and inclusive access to regenerative medicine therapies for all Californians $8,000,000
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Dr. Michael I Lewis Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Expansion A comprehensive stem cell and gene therapy clinic to advance new therapies for a diverse patient population in California $7,957,966
University of California, San Francisco Mark C. Walters M.D. Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Expansion University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Alpha Stem Cell Clinic (ASCC) $7,994,347
Stanford University Dr. Matthew H Porteus Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Expansion The Stanford Alpha Stem Cell Clinic $6,920,810
University of California, San Francisco Mark C. Walters M.D. Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Expansion University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) CIRM Alpha Stem Cell Clinic $5,087,847
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland Dr. Mark C. Walters M.D. Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Expansion University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) CIRM Alpha Stem Cell Clinic $2,292,611
University of California, Davis Dr Mehrdad Abedi Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Expansion Alpha Stem Cell Clinic for Northern and Central California $8,076,421
City of Hope, Beckman Research Institute Prof. John A. Zaia Conference – The 2017 Alpha Stem Cell Clinic Annual Symposium 2nd Annual Symposium of the CIRM Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network “Alpha Clinics – Making the Future a Reality for Stem Cell-Based Therapies” $79,287
The Regents of the University of California on behalf of its Riverside Campus Dr. Huinan Hannah Liu Conference – Manage The SPARK Annual Meeting Manage the 2024 SPARK Annual Meeting $110,000
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Wafa Tawackoli Conference – Manage The SPARK Annual Meeting 2023 CIRM SPARK Research Conference $100,000
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland Ellen B Fung Conference – Manage The SPARK Annual Meeting 2022 CIRM SPARK Research Conference $79,336
University of California, Davis Gerhard Bauer Conference – Manage The SPARK Annual Meeting The 2020 SPARK Annual Meeting $22,876
Pathways to Stem Cell Science Dr. Victoria Fox Conference – Manage The SPARK Annual Meeting 2019 SPARK Annual Meeting $49,915
University of California, Davis Gerhard Bauer Conference – Manage The SPARK Annual Meeting The 2018 SPARK Annual Meeting $39,391
City of Hope, Beckman Research Institute Dr. Paul M. Salvaterra Conference – Manage The SPARK Annual Meeting Manage the 2017 SPARK Annual Meeting $22,555
California State University San Marcos Corporation James Jancovich Conference – Manage The Bridges Annual Meeting The 2022 Bridges Annual Meeting $137,297
California State University San Marcos Corporation Dr. Bianca Romina Mothé Conference – Manage The Bridges Annual Meeting 2020 and 2021 Bridges Annual Meeting $125,180
California State University San Marcos Corporation Dr. Bianca Romina Mothé Conference – Manage The Bridges Annual Meeting 2018 and 2019 Bridges Annual Meeting $291,622
San Diego State University Foundation Ralph Feuer Conference – Manage The Bridges Annual Meeting 2017 Bridges Annual Meeting $153,449
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Brigitte N Gomperts Conference – Lung Regenerative Medicine Workshop Stem Cells for Lung Diseases – Overcoming Barriers to Find New Therapies $44,548
IQVIA, Inc. Dr. Amritha Jaishankar Translating Center A Translating Center designed to expedite the development and delivery of high quality stem cell therapies to patients $15,000,000
IQVIA, Inc. Peter Robinson Accelerating Center An Accelerating Center designed to expedite the development and delivery of high quality stem cell therapies to patients $11,772,453
University of California, San Diego Catriona Jamieson Conference – The 2016 Alpha Stem Cell Clinic Annual Symposium UCSD Division of Regenerative Medicine and CIRM Alpha Clinics Network Symposium $37,778
Mosaic Event Management, Inc. Ron Johnson Conference – Manage The 2016 Bridges And SPARK Annual Meetings 2016 CIRM Bridges & SPARK Meetings $205,388
Palo Alto Veterans Institute for Research Irene Lorenzo Llorente Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Inhibitory interneurons derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells to treat stroke $2,140,122
Novoglia, Inc. Dr. Sunil Gandhi Ph.D Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Gene-corrected human microglia for the treatment of adult onset leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia (ALSP) $1,417,948
University of California, San Francisco Faranak Fattahi Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Drug discovery for gastrointestinal motility disorders using hPSC-derived enteric ganglioids $1,954,367
University of Southern California Dr. Justin K Ichida Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Development of a VAV2 antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) treatment for ALS $2,072,560
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Dr. Ritchie Ho Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects C9orf72 repeat expansion-tuned allelic suppression by CRISPRi as an ALS therapy $2,274,768
University of California, Davis Ricardo Anibal Maselli MD Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Treatment of Myasthenic Syndrome due to Choline Acetyltransferase Deficiency Using AAV9-mediated Gene Therapy $1,500,000
Adverum Biotechnologies Cameron Keast Baker Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Development of an Optogenetic Vision Restoration Gene Therapy Using an Engineered Form of Melanopsin $1,150,820
Stanford University Dr. Robert Negrin MD Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Orthogonal IL2 Receptor Transduced Regulatory T Cells for Clinical Application $1,920,652
University of California, San Francisco Michael Wilson Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects A First-in-Class Treatment for Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Via Multimodal Immune System Engineering $2,182,396
Stanford University Dr. Michael F Clarke Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Developing a breast cancer stem cell drug $2,053,727
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Dr. Ke Liao Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects RNA-based therapeutics to augment regulatory T cells: a novel approach to treat myocarditis $2,264,509
University of Southern California Dr Linda Sher Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Assessing the Functional, Immunologic and Microbiologic Characteristics of Human Livers Created in Chimeric Pigs $2,736,590
City of Hope, Beckman Research Institute Dr Jianhua Yu Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Reprogramming Somatic Cells into iPSCs Engineered with an Anti-PSCA CAR to Develop Allogeneic Off-the-Shelf Cell Therapy to Treat Pancreatic Cancer $2,263,500
Vertuis Bio, Inc. Lukas Bachmann Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Expanded Capacity AAV Retinal Gene Therapy Enabled by Efficient RNA-Joining Technology $0
Gladstone Institutes, J. David Lyandysha (Lana) Viktorovna Zholudeva Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Excitatory spinal interneurons from human pluripotent stem cells to treat spinal cord injury $2,942,198
University of California, Los Angeles Prof. Song Li Quest – Discovery Stage Research Projects Vax-CT to promote formation of cancer-specific T memory stem cell for personalized cancer immunotherapy $2,267,714