All CIRM Grants

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Institution Researcher name Grant Type Grant Title Award Value
University of California, Davis Dr. Min Zhao Basic Biology I Directing migration of human stem cells with electric fields $816,228
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Michael A. Teitell Basic Biology I Mitochondrial Metabolism in hESC and hiPSC Differentiation, Reprogramming, and Cancer $1,323,029
University of Southern California Dr. Martin Pera Basic Biology I The stem cell microenvironment in the maintenance of pluripotency and reprogramming $1,325,723
Stanford University Dr. Julian Sage Basic Biology I The retinoblastoma (RB) gene family in cellular reprogramming $1,357,085
Stanford University Dr. Susan K McConnell Basic Biology I Identification and characterization of human ES-derived DA neuronal subtypes $1,404,853
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Bennett G Novitch Ph.D. Basic Biology I Molecular Characterization of hESC and hIPSC-Derived Spinal Motor Neurons $1,228,278
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Robb Maclellan Dr. Basic Biology I Human Cardiovascular Progenitors, their Niches and Control of Self-renewal and Cell Fate $917,667
University of Southern California Dr. Wange Lu Basic Biology I Defining the molecular mechanisms of somatic cell reprogramming $1,365,580
Stanford University Dr. Helen M Blau Basic Biology I Molecular Mechanisms of Reprogramming towards Pluripotency $1,408,332
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Luisa Iruela-Arispe Basic Biology I Molecular Characterization and Functional Exploration of Hemogenic Endothelium $1,371,477