All CIRM Grants

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Institution Researcher name Grant Type Grant Title Award Value
Stanford University Professor Irving L Weissman MD Tools and Technologies III Identification and isolation of transplantable human hematopoietic stem cells from pluripotent cell lines; two steps from primitive hematopoiesis to transplantable definitive cells, and non-toxic conditioning of hosts for hematopoeitic stem cell transp… $1,271,952
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Carla M. Koehler Tools and Technologies III A small molecule tool for reducing the malignant potential in reprogramming human iPSCs and ESCs $1,283,900
University of Southern California Dr. Toshio Miki Tools and Technologies III Development of a clinical-grade extracorporeal liver support system using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatic cells $1,257,011
Scripps Research Institute Dr. Jeanne F Loring Tools and Technologies III User-friendly predictive molecular diagnostic assays for quality control of stem cell derivatives for transplantation and drug discovery $1,728,390
University of California, Los Angeles Leif Havton Tools and Technologies III Development of a Relevant Pre-Clinical Animal Model as a Tool to Evaluate Human Stem Cell-Derived Replacement Therapies for Motor Neuron Injuries and Degenerative Diseases $1,308,711
University of California, Davis Randi Hagerman Conference Pathways of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (C8) $29,939
Stanford University Dr. Joseph C. Wu Conference Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering Symposium $25,000
Ocular Research Symposia Foundation, Inc. Dr. Gerald Chader Conference SIGHT RESTORATION THROUGH STEM CELL THERAPY $20,000
University of Southern California Qing Liu-Michael Conference USC/UCSF/UCLA Tri-Institutional Stem Cell Retreat $5,000
Vitalant Research Institute Dr. Shibani Pati Conference Cellular Therapies in Trauma and Critical Care Medicine: Forging New Frontiers $40,000
City of Hope, Beckman Research Institute Fouad Kandeel Conference 15th Annual Rachmiel Levine Diabetes and Obesity Symposium $20,000
University of California, Davis Dr. Alice F Tarantal Conference 13th Annual Gene Therapy Symposium for Heart, Lung, and Blood Diseases $10,000
Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine Dr. Edward Holmes Conference Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa $40,000
Gordon Research Conferences Leonard I. Zon Conference 2015 Gordon Research Conference: Stem Cells & Cancer $20,000
University of California, San Francisco Dr Diana Jean Laird Conference The 2014 Santa Cruz Developmental Biology Meeting $3,000
University of California, San Diego Shu Chien Conference 10th Annual UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium $8,000
University of California, San Diego Shu Chien Conference The 14th UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium $5,000
University of California, San Francisco Dr. Emmanuelle Passegue Conference CA-HSCI 1st Generation Stem Cell PI Meeting $20,000
University of California, San Francisco Dr. Ophir Klein MD, PhD Conference Stem Cells Craniofacial Development and Disease $4,500
University of California, San Diego Prof. John M. Ravits Conference Cell Therapy for amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) -Testing the Limits: What should we use as preclinical standards of clinical trials? $7,193
Children’s Neurobiological Solutions (CNS) Foundation Alex Richmond Conference The Best Next Steps: Setting a Path for Advancing Pediatric Neurology $10,000
Vitalant Research Institute Shibani Pati Conference Cell Therapies in Trauma and Critical Care: Barriers in Translation from Pre-clinical to Clinical Development $18,440
Research for Cure Marilyn Smith Conference Working 2 Walk Science & Advocacy Symposium $22,113
University of Southern California Kathy Rich Conference The Stem Cell Niche in Development and Regeneration $7,476
Buck Institute for Age Research Victoria Lunyak Conference Stem Cell Research and Aging $30,000
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Professor Clive Niels Svendsen Conference California ALS Summit 2012 $6,825
International Symposium on Neural Regeneration, Inc. Roger Madison Conference 14th International Symposium on Neural Regeneration $20,000
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Martina Wiedau-Pazos Conference California ALS Summit 2011 $13,300
Brain Mapping Foundation Dr. Babak Kateb Conference 8th Annual World Congress for Brain, Spinal Cord Mapping and Image Guided Therapy at Mission Bay Conference Center of UCSF School of Medicine $17,200
University of California, Santa Barbara Francis J. Doyle Conference 12th Annual Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium $15,000
University of California, Berkeley Dr. Song Li Conference University of California Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium 2012 $25,200
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Dr. John Yu Conference First Annual Stem Cell Therapies for Neurological Disorders: Overcoming the Current Barriers to Clinical Translation, April 30 (special stem cell program for high school students on April 28) $18,500
University of California, Santa Cruz Dr. Camilla Forsberg Conference UCSC Frontiers of Stem Cells and Aging Symposium $24,405
Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine Lawrence Goldstein Conference The Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine Symposium and the investor and Partnering Forum at Stem Cells on the Mesa $44,000
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Tatiana Segura Conference 2013 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting Symposium “Design of Cell Instructive Materials” $4,000
University of California, San Diego Dong-Er Zhang Conference International RUNX Workshop $24,000
University of California, Irvine Dr. Peter J Donovan Conference Systems Biology of Stem Cells $25,000
University of California, San Francisco Dr. Arnold Kriegstein MD, PhD Conference UCSF Frontiers of Neural Stem Cells Symposium $35,000
Gladstone Institutes, J. David Dr. Deepak Srivastava Conference ISSCR – Roddenberry International Symposium on Cellular reprogramming $43,000
Vitalant Research Institute Elizabeth Read Conference Translation of Stem Cell Therapies: Strategies and Best Practices for PreClinical Developments $25,000
Vitalant Research Institute Elizabeth Read Conference Translation of Stem Cell Therapies: Best Practices and Regulatory Considerations $30,000
International Society for Stem Cell Research Professor Irving L Weissman MD Conference ISSCR 8th Annual Meeting – San Francisco $62,475
University of California, Davis Dr. Alice F Tarantal Conference 10th Annual Gene Therapy Symposium for Heart, Lung, and Blood Diseases $18,300
University of California, Davis Dr. Alice F Tarantal Conference 9th Annual Gene Therapy Symposium for Heart, Lung and Blood Diseases $12,000
University of California, Davis Dr. Alice F Tarantal Conference 11th Annual Gene Therapy Symposium for Heart, Lung, and Blood Diseases $16,850
University of California, San Diego Dr. Lawrence S. B. Goldstein Conference San Diego Stem Cell Science Education Symposium at UCSD $6,237
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Irvin SY Chen Conference Stem Cells: A New Avenue of HIV Research and New Approaches to HIV Treatment $24,456
Gordon Research Conferences Catriona Jamieson Conference 2011 Gordon Conference on Stem Cells and Cancer $40,000
Stanford University Hank Greely Conference Stem Cell Policy: Understanding the Scientific and Legal Challenges Ahead $5,838
Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine Edward Holmes Conference Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa: 6th Annual Scientific Symposium & 1st Annual Investor and Partnering Forum $40,000