Basic Biology I

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Basic Biology Awards I

The CIRM Basic Biology Awards I program will fund research grants to investigate basic mechanisms underlying stem cell biology, cellular plasticity, and cellular differentiation.  Studies supported by these awards will form the foundation for future translational and clinical advances, enabling the realization of the full potential of human stem cells and reprogrammed cells for therapies and as tools for biomedical innovation.

This RFA is the first of a two-part Basic Biology Awards Initiative.  The second part, RFA 09-02: Basic Biology Awards II, will have an anticipated release date in August 2009.   An applicant may submit a Pre-Application for either this RFA (RFA 08-07) or the forthcoming Basic Biology Awards II RFA (RFA 09-02), BUT NOT FOR BOTH. It is important to note that the Basic Biology Awards will be re-issued in 2010.  Applicants whose proposals are deferred and who are not invited to submit a full application in 2009 have the opportunity to reapply in the 2010 cycle of the Basic Biology Awards.

Applicants interested in participating in the Basic Biology Awards II RFA (RFA 09-02) should not submit a Pre-Application at this time.

Please see the RFA for full details.

Preliminary Application Instructions and Forms

Submission of an application for the CIRM Basic Biology Awards I involves a two step process in which an applicant first submits a Preliminary Application (Pre-Application; PreApp) and subsequently submits a Full Application only if invited to do so by CIRM.  PreApps will be evaluated by scientific specialists from outside California who are experts in specific areas of research described in the PreApp and by CIRM scientific staff, based on scientific review criteria described in section VI of the RFA.  Applicants whose projects are judged as most promising, competitive, and responsive to the RFA will be invited to submit a Full Application.  Applicants who are not invited to submit a Full Application will be deferred; these applicants may reapply when the Basic Biology RFA is repeated in 2010.  However, deferred applicants will not be eligible to submit PreApps to the Basic Biology Awards II RFA offered in 2009.

Each applicant must submit a Pre-Application using the PreApp Form. In addition to the PreApp form, applicants from for-profit institutions must submit a Related Business Entities Disclosure Form. Each applicant may submit only a single PreApp for either this RFA or for the forthcoming Basic Biology Awards II RFA, not both. Applicants interested in participating in the Basic Biology Awards II RFA (RFA 09-02) should not submit a Pre-Application at this time.

The completed PreApp form (less the Official signature) and the Related Business Entities Disclosure Form (if applicable) must be sent as interactive pdf documents (the original document format; documents must not be “flattened” or converted to another format) as distinct email attachments to and must be received by CIRM no later than 5:00 pm (PST) on January 27, 2009.  Additionally, a hard copy of the cover (first) page of the PreApp, signed by an institutional official authorized to sign on behalf of the applicant’s organization, must be received by CIRM no later than 5:00 pm (PST), on January 27, 2009.  This signed cover page must be sent to:

Basic Biology I PreApp
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
210 King Street
San Francisco, CA 94107

It is the applicant’s responsibility to meet this deadline; no exceptions will be made.

You will need a fully functional copy of Adobe Acrobat version 7 or 8 (Standard or Professional) to complete, print, and save the PreApp, Related Business Entities Disclosure Forms.  We recommend using Adobe Acrobat version 8.1 (or the latest version). Using Adobe Acrobat Reader will not permit you to save information that is entered in the form.

Full Application Instructions and Forms

Full Applications will only be accepted from applicants who 1) submitted a PreApp and 2) are invited by CIRM to submit a Full Application.

The Full Application consists of four parts: Part A: Application Information Form, Part B: Basic Biology Award Research Proposal, Part C: Biographical Sketches for Key Personnel, and Part D: Related Business Entities Disclosure Form.  All four parts (three parts when Part D is not applicable) of the full application for CIRM Basic Biology Awards I must be submitted together and received by CIRM no later than  5:00 pm (PDT) on April 30, 2009, in both electronic form and in hard copy (a signed original and five copies). It is the applicant’s responsibility to meet this deadline; no exceptions will be made.

Send electronic copies of all parts of the application as attachments in a single email to In addition to the electronic submission, candidates must submit an original copy of the application (consisting of Parts A-D) signed by both the applicant and the institution’s Authorized Organizational Official (AOO), plus 5 copies of the full application (preferably double-sided) to:

Basic Biology Awards I Application
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
210 King Street
San Francisco, CA 94107

You will need a fully functional copy of Adobe Acrobat version 7 or 8 (Standard or Professional) to complete, print, and save Parts A and D of the Full Application.  We recommend using Adobe Acrobat version 8.1 (or the latest version). Using Adobe Acrobat Reader will not permit you to save information that is entered in the form.

Schedule of Deadlines and Reviews

Schedule of Deadlines and Reviews Date
Pre-Applications for Basic Biology Awards I RFA due 5:00 PM (PST), January 27, 2009
Invitations for Full Applications sent out by CIRM Last week of March, 2009
Full Applications due 5:00 PM (PDT), April 30, 2009
Review of Full Applications by Grants Working Group (GWG) June, 2009
Review and Approval by ICOC August, 2009
Earliest Funding of Awards Fall, 2009

No exceptions will be made to the indicated deadlines.


ICOC Approval:
August 20, 2009
Total Awards:
Award Value:


Institution Investigator Grant Title Award Value
University of California, San Diego Gene Wei-Ming Yeo RNA Binding Protein-mediated Post-transcriptional Networks Regulating HPSC Pluripotency $1,308,901
University of California, San Diego Karl H. Willert WNT signaling and the control of cell fate decisions in human pluripotent stem cells. $1,329,298
University of California, Davis Dr. Min Zhao Directing migration of human stem cells with electric fields $816,228
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Michael A. Teitell Mitochondrial Metabolism in hESC and hiPSC Differentiation, Reprogramming, and Cancer $1,323,029
University of Southern California Dr. Martin Pera The stem cell microenvironment in the maintenance of pluripotency and reprogramming $1,325,723
Stanford University Dr. Julien Sage The retinoblastoma (RB) gene family in cellular reprogramming $1,357,085
Stanford University Dr. Susan K McConnell Identification and characterization of human ES-derived DA neuronal subtypes $1,404,853
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Bennett G Novitch Ph.D. Molecular Characterization of hESC and hIPSC-Derived Spinal Motor Neurons $1,228,278
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Robb Maclellan Dr. Human Cardiovascular Progenitors, their Niches and Control of Self-renewal and Cell Fate $917,667
University of Southern California Dr. Wange Lu Defining the molecular mechanisms of somatic cell reprogramming $1,365,580
Stanford University Dr. Helen M Blau Molecular Mechanisms of Reprogramming towards Pluripotency $1,408,332
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Luisa Iruela-Arispe Molecular Characterization and Functional Exploration of Hemogenic Endothelium $1,371,477