Basic Biology IV
RFA 11-03: CIRM Basic Biology Awards IV
The CIRM Basic Biology Awards IV will fund research grants to investigate basic mechanisms underlying stem cell biology, cellular plasticity, and cellular differentiation. These awards will also fund the use of in vitro, human stem cell based models for exploring disease mechanisms and other medically relevant processes. Studies supported by these awards will form the foundation for future translational and clinical advances, enabling the realization of the full potential of human stem cells and reprogrammed cells for therapies and as tools for biomedical innovation.
This RFA includes participation by members of CIRM’s Collaborative Funding Partner (CFP) Program. Appendices A-D describe additional requirements and procedures for applicants whose proposals include a request for funding from a CFP.
Please see the full RFA for details.
RFA 11-03: CIRM Basic Biology Awards IV [pdf]
Appendix A: German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Appendix B: Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, India (inSTEM)
Appendix C: Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MOST) Amended 12.09.11
Appendix D: National Research Agency of France (ANR)
Application Process
Submission of an application for the CIRM Basic Biology IV RFA involves a two-step process. An eligible PI may submit one Preliminary Application (PreApp). PreApps will be evaluated by scientific specialists from outside California who are experts in specific areas of research described in the PreApp and by CIRM scientific staff, based on the scientific review criteria described in section IX of this RFA. Applicants whose projects are judged as most promising, competitive, and responsive to the RFA will be invited to submit a full application. All other applicants will be deferred, with the opportunity to apply in response to a future RFA.
Preliminary Application (PreApp) Instructions
PreApps must be submitted online via the CIRM Grants Management Portal at
Each PI may submit only a single PreApp for this RFA.
The deadline for submission is 5:00 pm (PST) on January 10, 2012. No exceptions to this deadline will be made.
To submit a Preliminary Application:
- Go to the Grants Management Portal ( and log in with your existing CIRM Username and Password. If you do not have a Username, Click on the “New User” link and follow the instructions to create a CIRM Username and password.
- After logging in, your home page will display a list of open RFAs. Click on the “Apply for this grant” link corresponding to the Basic Biology Awards IV RFA.
- Complete each section by clicking on the appropriate link and following the posted instructions. Proposal and signature page templates can be found in the “Upload Required Documents” section.
- The “Done with Preliminary Application” button becomes enabled when all sections are complete and all required documents have been uploaded. Once “Done with Preliminary Application” has been selected, you will no longer be able to make changes to your PreApp.
- To ensure the process is complete, go back to your home page and check the list under “Your Preliminary Applications“. The status for Basic Biology IV should be “Submitted“.
Full Application Process
Full Applications will only be accepted from applicants who 1) submitted a PreApp and 2) are invited by CIRM to submit a full application.
The application for the CIRM Basic Biology IV RFA consists of four parts:
Part A: Application Information Form (Web-based form)
Part B: Proposal (MS Word template)
Part C: Biographical Sketches and Letters of Support (MS Word template)
Part D: Related Business Entities Disclosure Form (Adobe PDF template)
All four parts of the full Application for CIRM Basic Biology IV must be submitted together and received by CIRM no later than 5:00 pm (PDT) on April 25, 2012, in both electronic form and in hard copy (a signed original and five copies). It is the applicant’s responsibility to meet this deadline; no exceptions will be made.
You will need a fully functional copy of Adobe Acrobat version 8 or 9 (Standard or Professional) to complete, print, and save Part D of the full Application. We recommend using Adobe Acrobat version 8.1 (or the latest version). Using Adobe Acrobat Reader will not permit you to save information that is entered in the form.
Schedule of CIRM deadlines and reviews | Date |
Pre-Applications due | 5:00 pm (PST), January 10, 2012 |
Invitations for full Applications sent out by CIRM | March 23, 2012 |
Full Applications due | 5:00 pm (PDT), April 25, 2012 |
Review of full Applications by Grants Working Group (GWG) | June, 2012 |
Review and Approval by ICOC | September, 2012 |
Earliest Funding of Awards | November, 2012 |
No exceptions will be made to the indicated deadlines.
For information about this RFA or the review process:
Gilberto R. Sambrano, Ph.D.
Senior Review Officer
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Phone: (415) 396-9103