Early Translational II
RFA 10-01: CIRM Early Translational II Research Awards
Stem cells offer the unique potential to restore tissues damaged by injury or disease. The rapid expansion of stem cell research over the past few years suggests that there are research discoveries ready for translational research toward the clinic. The purpose of this CIRM Early Translational II Research Awards RFA is to support projects that enable the initial stage of this process. The key objectives of this RFA are the support of research: 1) that results in a Development Candidate ready for IND-enabling preclinical development or 2) that leads towards a Development Candidate. The Early Translational Research Award is core to CIRM’s mission, and the agency plans to issue this RFA every twelve to eighteen months to build a strong preclinical pipeline for patient therapies and cures.
This RFA includes participation by a member of CIRM’s Collaborative Funding Partner Program. The Federal Ministry For Education and Research, Germany (BMBF) is participating as a Funding Partner. The CIRM Loan Program is also included in this RFA.
Please see the full RFA for details.
RFA 10-01: CIRM Early Translational II Research Awards [pdf]
(Sec. X.E. amended 3.25 to reflect CIRM’s revised Submission of Supplimental Information Policy)
- Appendix A [pdf]
- Appendix B [pdf]
- Appendix C [pdf]
Application Process
Submission of an application for the CIRM Early Translational II Research Awards RFA involves a two-step process. An eligible PI may submit one Preliminary Application (PreApp). PIs must select the type of award for which they are applying in the PreApp. PreApps will be evaluated by scientific specialists from outside California who are experts in specific areas of research described in the PreApp and by CIRM scientific staff, based on the scientific review criteria described in section IX of this RFA. Applicants whose projects are judged as most promising, competitive, and responsive to the RFA will be invited to submit a full Application. All other applicants will be deferred, with the opportunity to apply in response to a future RFA.
Preliminary Application Forms and Instructions
Each applicant must submit a PreApp and a Related Business Entities Disclosure Form using the templates provided below. An eligible PI may submit only one Preliminary Application for this RFA. An investigator who is a PI on a Disease Team Research Award (RFA 09-01) is not eligible to submit a Preliminary Application as PI under this RFA. An investigator who is awarded an Early Translation II Research Award under this RFA will not be eligible to submit a Preliminary Application as PI for Disease Team II Research Awards.
You will need a fully functional copy of Adobe Acrobat version 8 or 9 (Standard or Professional) to complete, print, and save the PreApp, Related Business Entities Disclosure Forms. We recommend using Adobe Acrobat version 9 (or the latest version). Using Adobe Acrobat Reader will not permit you to save information that is entered in the form.
The completed PreApp form (less the Official signature) and the Related Business Entities Disclosure Form must be sent as interactive PDF documents (the original document format; documents must not be “flattened” or converted to another format) as email attachments to ET2PreApp@CIRM.ca.gov.
In addition to the electronic submission of the completed PDF files, you must also submit a copy of the PreApp cover page showing the Authorized Organizational Official’s signature as either a hard copy (via express mail or courier service to EarlyTranslational 2 PreApp, CIRM, 210 King St., San Francisco, CA 94107), a fax copy (415-396-9142) or as a scanned PDF file to ET2PreApp@cirm.ca.gov.
All PreApp materials must be received by CIRM no later than 5:00 pm (PDT) on March 18, 2010. No exceptions will be made for late submissions. It is the PI’s responsibility to ensure that all required documents are received by the deadline.
Additionally, applicants whose proposals include a Collaborative Funding Partner PI must send an electronic copy of this PreApp by email to the designated BMBF point of contact listed in Appendix B.
Full Application Process
Full applications for the CIRM Early Translational II Research Awards will only be accepted from applicants who 1) submitted a PreApp (as described above) and 2) are invited by CIRM to submit a full Application. The PI, (Co-PI and Partner PI, if applicable) and research project proposed in the full application must be the same as described in the PreApp; otherwise, the full application is deemed ineligible. Full Application forms will be available on the CIRM website (https://www.cirm.ca.gov/RFA_10-01) in mid May 2010.
The full Application consists of four parts: Part A: Application Information Form (and subparts, if Co-PI or Partner PI, PDF Form), Part B: Early Translational II Research Award Proposal (MS Word template), Part C: Biographical Sketches for Key Personnel (MS Word template) and letters of collaboration and/or institutional support, Part D: Related Business Entities Form (PDF form).
You will need a fully functional copy of Adobe Acrobat version 8 or 9 (Standard or Professional) to complete, print, and save the application forms. We recommend using Adobe Acrobat version 9 (or the latest version). Using Adobe Acrobat Reader will not permit you to save information that is entered in the form.
All four parts of the full Application for Early Translational II Research Awards must be submitted together and received by CIRM no later than 5pm PDT on June 30, 2010, in both electronic form and in hard copy (a signed original and five copies). It is the applicant’s responsibility to meet this deadline; no exceptions for late applications will be made.
Send electronic copies of all parts of the application as attachments in a single email to ET2Awards@cirm.ca.gov. Applicants whose proposals include a CIRM/Funding Partner team must also send an electronic copy of the full application (Parts A-D) to the designated partner point-of-contact email listed in Appendix B of the RFA.
In addition to the electronic submission, candidates must submit an original copy of the application (consisting of Parts A-D) plus 5 copies of the full application (preferably double-sided) to the mailing address below. The original copy must be signed by both the PI and the applicant institution’s Authorized Organizational Official (AOO). CIRM will allow for a single CIRM-funded Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) only for DC awards. Applications designating a Co-PI(s) must also be signed by the Co-PI and the Co-PI’s institutional AOO.
Early Translational II Research Awards Application
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
210 King Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
Schedule of CIRM deadlines and reviews |
Date |
Preliminary Applications due | 5:00 pm (PDT), Thursday, March 18, 2010 |
Invitations for Full Applications sent out by CIRM | Mid May, 2010 |
Full Applications due | 5:00 pm (PDT), Wednesday, June 30, 2010 |
Anticipated Review of Full Applications by Grants Working Group (GWG) | September, 2010 |
Review and Approval by ICOC | October, 2010 |
Earliest Funding of Awards | Winter, 2010/2011 |
For information about this RFA or the review process:
Gilberto R Sambrano, Ph.D
Senior Review Officer
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Email: gsambrano@cirm.ca.gov
Phone: (415) 396-9103