New Faculty Physician Scientist

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RFA 12-01: CIRM New Faculty Physician Scientist Translational Research Awards

Updated April 10, 2012. Amended versions of the RFA, CNF and LOI can be accessed below using the indicated links.

The purpose of the CIRM New Faculty Physician Scientist Translational Research Awards is to encourage and facilitate the career development of physician scientists working in translational stem cell research. This award will fund promising new faculty physician scientists in the critical early stages of their careers as independent investigators and faculty members by providing salary and research support for up to five years. This award further encourages the career development of these investigators by including a mentoring requirement. Through this funding mechanism, CIRM expects to help establish a cadre of physician scientist stem cell researchers in California who will help advance innovative translational stem cell science toward clinical development.

Please see the RFA for full details.
RFA 12-01: CIRM New Faculty Physician Scientist Translational Research Awards (*Amended 4.10.12) [pdf]
             *Amended to modify the PI eligibility requirements

Application Process

Submission of an application for the CIRM New Faculty Physician Scientist Translational Research RFA involves a two-step process. In the first step, a PI who wishes to apply must be nominated by his/her institution to apply for the award on a CIRM-supplied Candidate Nomination Form (CNF), and must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to CIRM. In the second step of the process, applicants who are nominated and who meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the RFA will be invited to submit a full application.

Candidate Nomination Form (CNF) and Letter of Intent (LOI) Instructions

The deadline for submission of both the CNF and LOI is 5:00 pm (PDT) on May 23, 2012. No exceptions to this deadline will be made. Detailed instructions for submission of each form follow.

CNF Submission Instructions:
Click the following link to download the CNF template: RFA 12-01 Candidate Nomination Form (Amended 4.10.12) [pdf]

  1. Applicant institutions must submit a single CNF using the RFA 12-01 CNF template. Institutions with a medical school accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) may nominate up to four candidates, while those without a medical school may nominate up to two candidates.
  2. The CNF must list the name, degree and employment title of each of the PI(s) the institution wishes to nominate for these awards. CIRM will accept only one CNF from each institution. This form must be signed by an institutional official (or his/her designate) who is authorized to nominate candidates on behalf of the entire institution. This institutional official cannot be a member or alternate member of the ICOC.
  3. The signed CNF must be sent by email to

LOI Submission Instructions:
The Letter of Intent (LOI) must be submitted by a nominated PI via the CIRM Grants Management Portal, as follows:

  1. Go to the Grants Management Portal ( and log in with your existing CIRM Username and Password. If you do not have a Username, click on the “New User” link and follow the instructions to create a CIRM Username and password.
  2. After logging in, your home page will display a list of open RFAs or LOIs. Click on the “Start a Letter of Intent” link located to the right of the section labeled “RFA 12-01 New Faculty Physician Scientist Translational Research Award : Letter of Intent”.
  3. Complete the LOI by following the posted instructions.
  4. The “Done with Letter of Intent” button becomes enabled when all sections are complete. Select this button to complete your LOI submission. Once this button has been selected, you will no longer be able to make changes to your LOI.
  5. To ensure the process is complete, go back to your home page and check for “RFA 12-01 New Faculty Physician Scientist” in the section titled “Your Submitted Applications“.


Full Application

Full Applications will only be accepted from applicants who 1) submitted an LOI and were nominated by their institution using a Candidate Nomination Form, and 2) are invited by CIRM to submit a full application. Application Forms will be available via the Grants Management Portal at by May 23, 2012.

The application for the CIRM New Faculty Physician Scientist Translational Research Award RFA consists of four parts:

Part A: Application Information Form (Web-based form)
Part B: Proposal (MS Word template)
Part C: Biographical Sketches and Letters of Support (MS Word template)
Part D: Institutional Letter of Commitment

All four parts of the full Application for CIRM New Faculty Physician Scientist Translational Research Award must be submitted together and received by CIRM no later than 5:00 pm (PDT) on July 10, 2012, via the CIRM Grants Management Portal. It is the applicant’s responsibility to meet this deadline; no exceptions will be made.

Schedule of CIRM deadlines and reviews Date
CNF and LOI due 5:00 pm (PDT), May 23, 2012
Applications due 5:00 pm (PDT), July 10, 2012
Review of full Applications by Grants Working Group (GWG)  September/October, 2012
Review and Approval by ICOC December, 2012
Earliest Funding of Awards Winter, 2013

No exceptions will be made to the indicated deadlines.


For information about this RFA or the review process:

Gilberto R. Sambrano, Ph.D.
Senior Review Officer
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Phone: (415) 396-9103

ICOC Approval:
December 12, 2012
Total Awards:
Award Value:


Institution Investigator Grant Title Award Value
Reza Ardehali Dr. Reza Ardehali MD, PhD Medical School Loan Repayment Program $35,511
Tippi C. Mackenzie Dr. Tippi C. Mackenzie MD Medical School Loan Repayment Program $36,436
Ali Nsair Ali Nsair Medical School Loan Repayment Program $120,312
University of California, San Francisco Dr. Tippi C. MacKenzie In Utero Embryonic Stem Cell Transplantation to Treat Congenital Anomalies $2,661,742
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Dr. Robert H Baloh Human iPSC modeling and therapeutics for degenerative peripheral nerve disease $3,031,737
Stanford University Alan G Cheng Enhancing hair cell regeneration in mouse and human inner ear $3,088,525
University of California, San Francisco Dr. Ophir Klein MD, PhD Stem cell therapy for inflammatory bowel disease $3,019,013
Stanford University Michelle Monje White matter neuroregeneration after chemotherapy: stem cell therapy for “chemobrain” $2,800,526
University of California, San Francisco Jason Harris Pomerantz Characterization of Human Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells for Clinical Application $2,959,014
University of California, San Francisco Ann Capela Zovein Human endothelial reprogramming for hematopoietic stem cell therapy. $2,197,683
University of California, Davis Emanual Michael Maverakis Tunable hydrogels for therapeutic delivery of multipotent stem cells. $2,771,903
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Ali Nsair MD Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiovascular Progenitor Cells for Cardiac Cell Therapy. $2,316,894
Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles Dr. Tracy Cannon Grikscheit M.D. The generation and expansion of tissue-engineered small intestine from human stem/ progenitor cells: a preclinical study of functional translation $3,146,160
University of California, San Diego Dr. Mana M Parast Human pluripotent stem cell-based therapeutics for preeclampsia $2,974,750
University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Reza Ardehali MD, PhD Preclinical evaluation of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiovascular progenitors in a large animal model $2,930,388