Clinical Development of an N-cadherin Antibody to Target Cancer Stem Cells

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Human Stem Cell Use:
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Progress Reports

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Year 2
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Grant Application Details

Application Title:

Clinical Development of an N-cadherin Antibody to Target Cancer Stem Cells

Public Abstract:
Metastatic disease and the castration resistance remain tremendous challenges in the treatment of prostate cancer. New targeted treatments, such as the ant-testosterone medication enzalutamide, have improved the survival of men with advanced disease, but a majority develops treatment resistance. The field of cancer stem cells hypothesizes that treatment resistance emerges because stem cells are inherently resistant to our current therapies and eventually repopulate tumors. One mechanism by which cancer stem cells resist therapy is through acquisition of an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), a phenomenon of normal development used by cancers to survive and metastasize. Our laboratory has shown that prostate cancers undergo an EMT that leads to invasion, metastasis and treatment resistance. N-cadherin, a critical regulator of EMT, is expressed in most castration resistant prostate cancers (CRPC) and is sufficient to promote treatment resistance. We therefore developed antibodies against N-cadherin, which are able to inhibit growth, metastasis and progression of prostate cancers in vivo. The goal of this translational application is to move this promising treatment from the laboratory to the clinic by making the antibody human, making it bind more strongly, and then testing it for toxicity, behavior and anti-tumor activity. At the completion of this project, we will be poised to manufacture this lead molecule and move expeditiously to Phase I clinical studies.
Statement of Benefit to California:
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in Californian men. With an aging population, this problem is expected to continue to grow despite recent advances in treatment. The goal of this application is to develop a novel antibody targeting a cancer stem cell target in hormone and treatment refractory prostate cancer. The benefit to the California, if successful, will be the development of a novel therapy against this common disease.