Inclusive Pathways for a Stem Cell Scholar (iPSCS) Undergraduate Training Program

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Grant Award Details

Grant Number:

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Progress Reports

Reporting Period:
Year 1

Grant Application Details

Application Title:

Inclusive Pathways for a Stem Cell Scholar (iPSCS) Undergraduate Training Program

Statement of Benefit to California:
The program will benefit the State of California by developing a comprehensive program focused on stem cell and regenerative medicine training to prepare a broadly inclusive, well-trained science and engineering workforce. It focuses on developing interdisciplinary and diverse career paths through instruction in principles of molecular biology, cell and developmental biology, data science, and supplemental training in entrepreneurship and leadership while addressing the ethics of scientific and professional conduct. The program is expected to increase the number and diversity of well-educated scholars who will excel in stem cell biology, regenerative medicine, and allied fields thereby mentoring the next generation of leaders with the knowledge to master future challenges in translational work in regenerative biomedical science and medicine.