People We’ve Funded

The Approved Funds represents the current award amount under agreement with the grantee which can be less the amount approved by the governing board. For projects approved by the governing that have not yet been issued an award agreement, the Approved Funds will temporarily reflect the amount approved by the governing board.

InvestigatorTotal AwardsAward Amount
Dr. Kara E McCloskey 4 $10,437,901
Dr. Susan K McConnell 2 $2,012,216
Dr. Todd C. McDevitt 1 $5,849,100
Dr. Patrick McDonough 1 $870,717
Mary McEachron 1 $20,500,000
David McGee 1 $48,595
Dr. Dianne McKay 1 $615,639
Dr. Andrew McMahon 2 $9,084,067
Dr Marisa Medina 1 $813,000
Leslie Meltzer 1 $2,638,745
Dr. Mark Mercola 2 $3,893,865
Mark Mercola 1 $44,450
Dr. Mark Mercola 1 $1,809,234
Christian Metallo 1 $1,124,834
Dr. Everett H. Meyer 3 $12,036,810
Dr. Frederick J Meyers MD 2 $6,619,150
Dr. M. Carrie Miceli 0
Dr. M. Carrie Miceli 1 $1,578,000
Dr. Toshio Miki 2 $3,007,386
Dr. Hanna Mikkola 3 $4,219,541
Dr. David B. Miklos 1 $11,034,982
8587949607 Boris Minev 1 $3,111,467
Dr. Beverly S Mitchell 0
Alison Miyamoto 1 $2,856,015
Michelle Monje 2 $4,064,774
Dr Edwin S Monuki 1 $2,793,395
Ana Maria Moreno 1 $1,157,313
Gerald P Morris 1 $193,500
Alireza Moshaverinia 1 $194,483
Jack Mosher 1 $8,985
Dr. Bianca Romina Mothé 6 $13,860,789
Dr. Franz-Josef Mueller 0
Dr. Ulrich Mueller 1 $3,697,326
Dr. Marcus Oliver Muench 1 $180,000
Kimberly A Mulligan 1 $2,946,500
Professor Alysson R Muotri 6 $11,935,666
Dr. John P Murnane Dr. 1 $1,070,919
James Murphy 1 $503,846
Dr. William J Murphy 3 $5,126,662
Dr. Cornelis Murre 2 $1,634,949
Markus Muschen 1 $2,756,536
Dr. Markus Muschen 1 $850,769
Markus Müschen 1 $2,183,223
Ryotaro Nakamura 1 $9,054,216
Dr. Masaya Nakamura 0
Professor Hiromitsu Nakauchi 4 $7,813,919
Dr. Orhan NALCIOGLU 1 $719,798
Vasanthy Narayanaswami 1 $151,046
Dr. Robert Negrin MD 2 $3,303,310
Dr. Bijan Nejadnik 1 $18,970,000