People We’ve Funded

The Approved Funds represents the current award amount under agreement with the grantee which can be less the amount approved by the governing board. For projects approved by the governing that have not yet been issued an award agreement, the Approved Funds will temporarily reflect the amount approved by the governing board.

InvestigatorTotal AwardsAward Amount
Dr. Stanley Nelson 3 $1,892,492
Corey New 0
Dr. Cory R Nicholas 5 $18,496,254
R. Jeremy Nichols 1 $1,482,822
Daniel Nickerson 1 $2,909,853
Dr. Nicole zur Nieden 3 $9,007,072
Katherine Nielsen 3 $1,060,127
Vicki Nienaber 1 $112,500
Dr. Chrysostomos L. Max Nikias 1 $26,972,500
Paul W Noble 1 $617,662
Professor Garry P Nolan 1 $1,343,100
Dr. Jan Aileen Nolta PhD 1 $2,615,674
Dr Jan A Nolta 2 $6,549,294
Ms. Shannon Noonan 1 $35,044
Dr. Thomas J Novak 1 $16,000,000
Dr. Bennett G Novitch Ph.D. 2 $1,437,194
Dr. Bennett G Novitch 1 $1,148,758
Tomasz Nowakowski 3 $16,958,916
Theodore Scott Nowicki 1 $4,230,000
Dr. Ali Nsair MD 2 $3,444,635
Ali Nsair 1 $120,312
Dr. Roel Nusse 3 $4,400,273
Jeremy D O’Connell 1 $3,906,376
Dr. Timothy R. O’Connor 1 $327,311
Dr. Hideho Okada 4 $16,909,154
Dr. Anthony E. Oro 2 $6,498,478
Dr. Robert G. Oshima 1 $696,354
Dr. Felicia Pagliuca 1 $597,333
Frank Pajonk 1 $2,340,000
Dr. Theo D. Palmer PhD 3 $11,211,235
Dr. Chong-Xian Pan 1 $2,386,409
Paul D Pang 2 $2,025,000
Wendy Pang 1 $2,313,398
Alyssa Panitch PhD 1 $235,099
Barbara Panning 1 $1,260,037
Swapna Panuganti 1 $6,863,755
Dr. Mana M Parast 2 $6,052,668
Dr. Farhad Parhami Phd, MBA 1 $1,400,000
Dr. Clare Parish 0
Walter Park 1 $6,054,165
Dr. Kevin Kit Parker PhD 1 $0
Dr. Nitika S Parmar 3 $10,648,971
Dr. Mohammad Pashmforoush 1 $2,816,578
Dr. Mohammad Pashmforoush 1 $27,949
Dr. Emmanuelle Passegue 2 $2,144,488
Dr. Kinnari Patel 1 $5,867,085
Dr. Nilay V Patel 2 $5,573,725
Dr. Nilay V Patel 1 $3,530,873
Shibani Pati 2 $48,440
Dr. Shibani Pati 1 $40,000