People We’ve Funded

The Approved Funds represents the current award amount under agreement with the grantee which can be less the amount approved by the governing board. For projects approved by the governing that have not yet been issued an award agreement, the Approved Funds will temporarily reflect the amount approved by the governing board.

InvestigatorTotal AwardsAward Amount
Paul H. Patterson 2 $1,867,214
Dr. Nicole K Paulk 1 $3,997,919
Prof. Bruno Peault 1 $5,359,076
Tien Peng 1 $1,625,998
Dr. Martin Pera 3 $4,315,872
Frank Petrigliano 0
Prof. Samuel Lawrence Pfaff 2 $755,809
Dr. Michael E. Phelps 1 $914,039
Tyler Mark Pierson 1 $1,318,441
Dr. Richard Joseph Pietras 1 $2,327,680
Mr Terry Pirovolakis 1 $3,930,964
Professor Michael C Pirrung 1 $522,933
Dr. Giles Winston Plant 0
Dr. Kathrin Plath Dr. 5 $10,378,561
Dr. Samuel Pleasure 1 $2,459,235
Alex Pollen 1 $12,297,272
Jason Harris Pomerantz 2 $4,340,310
Dr. Matthew H Porteus 7 $41,819,748
Dr Jana Portnow 1 $11,999,984
Dr. Colin W Pouton 0
Guillem Pratx 1 $229,227
Michael F Press 0
Dr Saul J Priceman 2 $10,366,323
Dr. Vincent Procaccio 1 $245,397
Beth Pruitt 1 $50,000
Dr. Jennifer M. Puck 0
Dr Jennifer M Puck 1 $4,268,865
Cristina Puig Saus 1 $5,904,462
Michael A. Pulsipher 1 $4,825,587
Dr. Andrew Putnam 1 $395,764
Dr. April Pyle Ph.D. 3 $4,529,319
Dr. Stanley Qi 1 $704,661
Xiaojie Qiu 1 $1,540,798
Marco Quarta 1 $1,450,876
Charity Quick 1 $22,000
Ilya Rachman MD PhD 1 $7,999,467
Dr. Miguel Ramalho-Santos 3 $3,087,839
John Ramunas 1 $3,984,942
Tariq M Rana 1 $250,000
Sanjeev Ranade 1 $509,000
Dr. Thomas A. Rando 1 $966,510
Dr. Thomas A. Rando MD, PhD 2 $50,000
Dr. Thomas A. Rando 1 $20,000
Dr. Anjana Rao 1 $1,464,446
Dr Dinesh S Rao 1 $1,384,347
Dr. Gayatri Rao 1 $1,010,000
Dr. Michael P. Rapé Dr. 2 $2,458,828
Dr. David H Raulet 1 $952,896
Prof. John M. Ravits 2 $18,593
Olga V Razorenova 1 $8,366