People We’ve Funded

The Approved Funds represents the current award amount under agreement with the grantee which can be less the amount approved by the governing board. For projects approved by the governing that have not yet been issued an award agreement, the Approved Funds will temporarily reflect the amount approved by the governing board.

InvestigatorTotal AwardsAward Amount
Dr. Gary Schiller 0
Sonja Schrepfer 1 $235,818
Dr. David R Schubert 2 $3,338,642
Dr. Birgitt Schuele 2 $2,616,398
Peter G. Schultz 5 $15,682,016
Peter G Schultz 2 $3,974,535
Dr. Jonathan Schwartz 1 $5,808,735
Dr. Philip H Schwartz 2 $4,266,801
Steven Schwartz 1 $5,068,026
Prof Vittorio Sebastiano 1 $3,434,600
Jonathan Sebat 1 $12,703,708
Dr. David J Segal PhD 2 $2,420,222
Dr. Neil Segil 1 $741,574
Dr. Tatiana Segura 1 $4,000
Dr. Magdalene J Seiler 2 $8,767,987
George Sen 1 $1,080,000
Arun Sharma 1 $3,999,995
Devon J Shedlock 1 $3,992,090
Dr. Farah Sheikh Dr. 1 $1,341,955
Yin Shen PhD 1 $1,621,913
Dr. Krishna Shenoy 1 $572,891
Terry Sheppard 1 $42,794
Dr Linda Sher 1 $2,736,590
Dmitriy Sheyn 3 $3,778,721
Dr. Songtao Shi 1 $3,242,651
Dr. Yanhong Shi Ph.D. 3 $10,580,023
Professor Yanhong Shi 1 $249,998
Dr. Judith A Shizuru 5 $22,769,503
Dr Brian Rudolph Shy 1 $1,999,933
Dionicio Siegel 1 $232,200
Dr. William Sietsema 1 $8,175,946
Dr. Dennis J Slamon 2 $25,663,353
Marilyn Smith 1 $22,113
Dr. Rachel Ruckdeschel Smith 1 $14,405,857
Dr. Julie B Sneddon 1 $2,006,076
Dr. Evan Y. Snyder 4 $12,287,210
Dr Evan Y Snyder 1 $5,190,752
Dr. Michael P Snyder PhD 1 $22,787,914
Francesca Soncin 1 $993,881
Dr Chia Soo 0
Dr. Deborah H Spector Dr. 1 $1,372,660
Dr Melissa Jan Spencer 1 $999,999
Dr Amy Sprowles 2 $7,939,040
Dr. Deepak Srivastava 11 $19,368,651
Dr. Didier Y Stainier 1 $611,027
Professor Edouard Stanley 0
Dr. Gary Steinberg 4 $35,722,209
Dennis Steindler 1 $0
Dr. Jeffrey H Stern 1 $4,009,675
Dr Peter G Stock 0