People We’ve Funded

The Approved Funds represents the current award amount under agreement with the grantee which can be less the amount approved by the governing board. For projects approved by the governing that have not yet been issued an award agreement, the Approved Funds will temporarily reflect the amount approved by the governing board.

InvestigatorTotal AwardsAward Amount
Dr. Lawrence S. B. Goldstein 9 $21,459,898
Lawrence Goldstein 1 $55,000
Lawrence Goldstein 1 $44,000
Dr. Sidney Golub 1 $13,562
Natalia Gomez-Ospina 2 $10,140,649
Dr. Brigitte N Gomperts 5 $4,860,207
Matthew Goodus 1 $2,025,000
Dr. Alon Goren 1 $1,515,601
Dr. Joel M Gottesfeld 1 $1,705,494
Stephen Gottschalk 1 $5,118,785
Hank Greely 1 $5,838
Ryan Green 1 $15,000
Dr. Warner C Greene 2 $1,997,364
Professor Richard Gregory 1 $0
Dr. John H Griffin 1 $520,015
Dr. Tracy Cannon Grikscheit M.D. 2 $6,357,282
Bree Grillo – Hill 1 $3,606,500
Anthony J. Gringeri 1 $5,391,016
Dr. Irene Griswold-Prenner 1 $1,458,000
Dr. Kun-Liang Guan 1 $1,245,693
Dr. Su Guo 1 $542,619
Susan Hackwood 1 $48,068
Dr. Husein Hadeiba 1 $733,061
Maximilian Haeussler 1 $1,160,126
Randi Hagerman 1 $29,939
Prof James S Hagood 1 $0
Dr. Joachim Franz Hallmayer 1 $530,265
Lisa Hammersley 2 $4,952,724
Ronnie Hanecak 1 $46,155
Basil M Hantash 1 $1,453,040
George Hara 4 $38,500
Dr. David Haussler 2 $5,530,703
Leif A Havton 1 $1,527,011
Leif Havton 2 $1,384,339
Alexandra Hayat 1 $0
Dr Robert Hayes 2 $11,994,676
Dr. Lin He 1 $1,406,823
Dr. Zhigang He 1 $0
5106433559 Kevin E. Healy 3 $3,184,329
Dr. Sarah C Heilshorn 2 $1,389,695
Sarah Heilshorn 1 $1,347,767
Dr. Joan Heller Brown 1 $10,000
Dr. Stefan Heller 1 $2,330,371
Dr. Jill Helms 1 $6,464,126
Dr. John L. Hennessy 1 $43,578,000
Dr. Inmaculada Herrera 0
Barbara Hickingbottom 0
Dr. Lindsay Hinck 2 $3,569,174
Dr. David R. Hinton 1 $651,607
Dr. Ritchie Ho 1 $2,274,768