Ed Baetge, Ph.D. spoke at the Spotlight on Juvenile Diabetes, an educational event presented at the CIRM Governing Board meeting on September 25, 2008. Baetge discussed Novocell, Inc.’s (now ViaCyte) efforts to generate replacement pancreatic beta islet cells from human embryonic stem cells for the development of cell-based diabetes therapies. Novocell Inc. has two CIRM grants to help develop tools and bring their cell-based therapeutic products to clinical trial. You can see a complete list of their awards here. Dr. Baetge is Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of Novocell, Inc.
Dr. Baetge was introduced by Francisco Prieto, M.D. Dr. Prieto is a member of the CIRM Governing Board and is also President of the Sacramento-Sierra Chapter of the American Diabetes Association.
The CIRM-hosted event was presented at the University of California, San Diego in partnership with Novocell, Inc.