Stage of Program: Basic or Applied Basic Research (DISC1 and many 1.0 Projects)

Curing bladder cancer by replacing corrupted urothelium with differentiated hES cells

Research Objective The goal of the proposed research is to use human embryonic stem cells to generate bladder epithelial progenitor cells that can be used to replace a cancerous bladder epithelium in vivo. Impact The long-term goal of the proposed research is to cure bladder cancer. Successful completion of this work may indicate that transplantation […]

New Methods for the Chemical Expansion of Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells

Research Objective We will develop a new agent that can increase the production of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells and determine how the compound functions Impact We aim to develop a method to achieve the highest fold expansion of hematopoietic stem cells from a single unit of cord blood achieved to date increasing the supply […]

Autologous iPSC-based therapy for radiation induced bladder injury

Research Objective To explore if iPSC-based therapy can prevent bladder damage due to radiation therapy, thereby limiting the unintended consequences of treatments for prostate, gynecologic and colorectal cancers. Impact This therapy impacts cancer survivors by preventing the permanent debilitating urinary symptoms due to radiation therapy. Currently there are no therapies to prevent radiation bladder damage. […]

iPS-Interneuron Transplantation for Neural Repair after Stroke

Research Objective To determine if transplantation of iPS-interneurons cells (iPS-3i cells) enhances functional recovery in stroke. Impact Successful completion of the proposed studies will develop a brain repair therapy for stroke, an unmet clinical need with significant impact on society. Major Proposed Activities To determine the recovery effect of transplantation of iPS-3i cells in the […]

Microenvironment based optimization of retinal induction using CRISPR-CAS9 reporter pluripotent stem cells as an expandable source of retinal progenitors and photoreceptors.

Research Objective To increase the efficiency of generating pure retinal progenitor cultures for use in transplantation and to probe general aspects of retinal development. Impact Our methods could increase the efficiency of obtaining transplantable patient specific induced pluripotent stem cell derived retinal cells for the treatment of blindness through cell replacement. Major Proposed Activities Make […]

Examining the efficacy of GDF11 antibody as a rejuvenator of aged human muscle stem cell capacity and muscle repair .

Research Objective To examine the efficacy of blocking blood borne GDF11 activity to rejuvenate aged human muscle stem cell regenerative capacity. Impact This project will provide a proof-of-principle that GDF11 inhibition can boost aged human skeletal muscle repair, and facilitate its translational potential. Major Proposed Activities Determine GDF11 protein levels in human sera as a […]

Activation of patient-specific endogenous myocardial repair through the exosomes generated from the hypoxic iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (iCMs).

Research Objective This proposal will provide direct evidence of clinical implementation of patient-specific iPSC products by validating the efficacy of autologous, cell-free exosome therapy. Impact Five-year survival of heart failure is a dismal 50% and is top diagnosis of hospital admission. Exosomes offer a feasible and effective cell-free therapy by activating endogenous myocardial repair. Major […]

Exosomal Y-RNAs as mediators of bioactivity of cardiac-derived cell therapy

Research Objective We propose to dissect the contribution of Y-RNAs, small non-coding RNA species enriched in CDC-exosomes, in mediating the effect of CDC-exosomes on cardioprotection and macrophage polarization. Impact Examining the contribution of highly represented RNA species in CDC-exo could allow a better understanding of the mechanism of action of CDC-exo and modulation of their […]

Multi-modal technology for non-destructive characterization of bioengineered tissues

Stem cell technologies hold great promise for engineering replacement tissues for repairing functional loss from trauma or disease. Such therapies are particularly important for replacing bone and cartilage in the aging population to maintain an active quality of life. However, the application of stem cells to generate individualized implantable grafts suffers from patient-to-patient variability that […]

Technologies to improve in vivo function of transplanted stem cells

Stem cell-based therapy is recognized as a promising therapeutic approach for treating various diseases that are currently intractable. One strategy in regenerative medicine is to transplant stem cells or their differentiated derivatives to regenerate the damaged tissues or halt tissue degeneration. Human embryonic stem cells and human induced pluripotent stem cells having the potential to […]