Stage of Program: Basic Research and Discovery Stage Programs

Curing Hematological Diseases

The primary aim of this project is to develop treatments for incurable diseases of the blood and immune system. X-linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (X-SCID) and Fanconi anemia (FA) are two blood diseases where mutations in a single gene results in the disease. XSCID, more commonly known as the “bubble boy” disease, is characterized by a […]

Sustained siRNA production from human MSC to treat Huntingtons Disease and other neurodegenerative disorders

One in every ten thousand people in the USA have Huntington’s Disease, and it impacts many more. Multiple generations within a family can inherit the disease, resulting in escalating health care costs and draining family resources. This highly devastating and fatal disease touches all races and socioeconomic levels, and there are currently no cures. Screening […]

Using patient-specific iPSC derived dopaminergic neurons to overcome a major bottleneck in Parkinson’s disease research and drug discovery

The goals of this study are to develop patient-specific induced pluripotent cell lines (iPSCs) from patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) with defined mutations and sporadic forms of the disease. Recent groundbreaking discoveries allow us now to use adult human skin cells, transduce them with specific genes, and generate cells that exhibit characteristics of embryonic stem […]

Human Immune System Mouse models as preclinical platforms for stem cell derived grafts

A major obstacle to stem cell based therapies is the immune response of the patient to stem cell derived tissue, which can be recognized as foreign and attacked by the patient’s immune system. T cells orchestrate immune responses and are “educated” about self versus foreign in an organ called the thymus. It may be possible […]

Role of Innate Immunity in hematopoeitic stem cell-mediated allograft tolerance

The research proposed in this project has very high potential to identify new medications to boost the natural ability of stem cells to prevent rejection of transplanted organs. This is a very important goal, because patients that receive a life-saving transplanted organ must take toxic medications that increase their risk for cancer and serious infections. […]

Engineered immune tolerance by Stem Cell-derived thymic regeneration

Stem cell therapies have the potential to transform medicine by allowing the regeneration of tissues or organs damaged by disease or trauma. In order for stem cell therapies to proceed, it will be essential that the regulation of immune responses to the stem cell derived tissues be achieved. While the function of the immune system […]

Inactivating NK cell reactivity to facilitate transplantation of stem cell derived tissue

One of the great promises of stem cell research is that it will one day be possible to prepare replacement cells or organs from stem cells such as embryonic stem cells, which can be transplanted to patients to substitute for diseased or defective patient tissues or organs. Unfortunately, the immune system reacts against, and rejects, […]

Regulatory T cell induced tolerance to ESC transplantation

The goals of this proposal are to utilize cell populations known to control immune reactions termed regulatory T cells and study their ability to protect embryonic stem cells (ESC) from immune rejection. Much has been learned about the control of immune reactions where it has been found that a variety of different factors control excessive […]

Role of HLA in neural stem cell rejection using humanized mice

One of the key issues in stem cell transplant biology is solving the problem of transplant rejection. Despite over three decades of research in human embryonic stem cells, little is known about the factors governing immune system tolerance to grafts derived from these cells. In order for the promise of embryonic stem cell transplantation for […]

Role of HLA in neural stem cell rejection using humanized mice

One of the key issues in stem cell transplant biology is solving the problem of transplant rejection. Despite over three decades of research in human embryonic stem cells, little is known about the factors governing immune system tolerance to grafts derived from these cells. In order for the promise of embryonic stem cell transplantation for […]