Stage of Program: Basic Research and Discovery Stage Programs

Analysis of Candidate Neural Crest Cells Derived from Human ES Cells

Little is known about human Neurla Crest (NC) cells, a transient population of cells briefly present during very early human development; the reason why these cells are extremely difficult to obtain and study. In the model organism NC cells generate an amazing array of tissues, including peripheral and enteric nervous systems, cranial bones and cartilage, […]

Screening for Oncogenic Epigenetic Alterations in Human ES Cells

Embryonic stem cell-based therapies hold great promise for the treatment of many human diseases. These therapeutic strategies involve the culture and manipulation of embryonic stem cells grown outside the human body. Culture conditions outside the human body can encourage the development of changes to the cells that facilitate rapid and sustained cell growth. Some of […]

EC regeneration in cerebrovascular ischemia: role of NO

Stroke is the third leading cause of death and the leading cause of disability in this country, affecting about 650,000 people in the US each year. Currently approved therapies for stroke are directed toward acutely restoring blood flow (using drugs that break up clot). A new approach is to use stem cells to regenerate portions […]

Profiling surface glycans and glycoprotein expression of human embryonic stem cells

Human embryonic stem cells can be changed into virtually any cell type in the adult body. Because of this unique capability, these cells have the potential to cure a vast majority of existing human disorders. Several hurdles exist, however, which need to be overcome before results from the exciting field of stem cell research can […]

Non-coding RNA as tool for the active control of stem cell differentiation

Stem cells are multipotent, meaning that they can develop into any cell type of the human body. Biomedical applications propose that, after introduction into humans, stem cells could replenish damaged or lost cells in human bodies and thereby cure human diseases such as Parkinson, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes. One prerequisite for the success of the biomedical […]

Transcriptional Regulation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Embryonic Stem (ES) cells can be grown indefinitely in the lab and can be turned into any cell type of the human body. Because of these properties, it may one day be possible to use ES cells to generate cell types in the lab that can then be transplanted into patients that need them. This […]

Labeling of human embryonic stem cells with iron oxide nanoparticles and fluorescent dyes for a non-invasive cell depiction with MR imaging and optical imaging

Non-invasive imaging techniques for an in vivo tracking of transplanted stem cells offer real-time insight into the underlying biological processes of new stem cell based therapies, with the aim to depict stem cell migration, homing and engraftment at organ, tissue and cellular levels. We showed in previous experiments, that stem cells can be labeled effectively […]

Sources of Genetic Instability in Human Embryonic Stem Cells.

The constant exposure of cells to endogenous and exogenous agents that inflict DNA damage requires active repair processes to eliminate potentially mutagenic events in stem cells leading to cancer. The same agents menace early human embryos with DNA damage that can ultimately lead to mutations, cancer, and birth defects. In vitro, human embryonic stem cells […]

The Immunological Niche: Effect of immunosuppressant drugs on stem cell proliferation, gene expression, and differentiation in a model of spinal cord injury.

Our understanding of the effect of immunosuppressive agents on stem cell proliferation and differentiation in the central nervous system is limited. Indeed, even the necessity for long-term immunosuppression to promote the survival of stem cells grafted into the “immunoprivileged” central nervous system (CNS) is unknown. Grafting multipotent stem cells into the injured CNS often results […]

Endodermal differentiation of human ES cells

The goals of this proposal are to investigate endodermal differentiation and proliferation in human ES cell cultures. Endodermal cells give rise to the epithelial lining of the respiratory and digestive tract as well as to the liver and pancreas. The future treatment of diseases such as type I diabetes using stem cell therapy relies on […]