Defining the Optimal Gene Therapy Approach of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells for the Treatment of Dedicator of Cytokinesis 8 (DOCK8) Deficiency

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Research Objective A new therapeutic option for DOCK8 deficiency using autologous human hematopoietic stem cells modified through either lentiviral gene addition or CRISPR/Cas9 based gene editing. Impact Allogeneic HSCT is…

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Modulation of oral epithelium stem cells by RSpo1 for the prevention and treatment of oral mucositis

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Research Objective Locally delivered formulation of RSpo1 protein as an activator of Lgr5+ epithelial stem cells in chemotherapy- or radiation therapy-induced oral mucositis Impact Oral mucositis Major Proposed Activities RSpo1…

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Extending Immune-Evasive Human Islet-Like Organoids (HILOs) Survival and Function as a Cure for T1D

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Research Objective Determine optimal islet transplant conditions and systemic treatments that promote graft survival upon transplantation into immune-competent diabetic subjects. Impact Our proposal will optimize the generation and viability of…

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iPSC-derived smooth muscle cell progenitor conditioned medium for treatment of pelvic organ prolapse

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Research Objective Conditioned media from human iPSC-derived smooth muscle cell progenitors. This media exerts paracrine effect to restore damaged vaginal wall in patients with pelvic organ prolapse. Impact Pelvic organ…

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