Stage of Program: Clinical Trial, Phase 1/2

A Phase 1/2, Open Label Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Gene Therapy in Subjects with β-Thalassemia by Transplantation of Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transduced with the Lentiviral Vector LentiGlobin® Encoding the Human β-A-T87Q-…

[REDACTED] plans to carry out a Phase 1/2 study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of [REDACTED] for the treatment of β-Thalassemia Major(BTM). [REDACTED] consists of autologous patient hematopoietic stem cells(HSC) that have been genetically modified ex vivo with a lentiviral vector that encodes a therapeutic form of the β-globin gene. [REDACTED] is administered through […]

Retinal progenitor cells for treatment of retinitis pigmentosa

The targeted disease is retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a severe form of blindness that often runs in families, but other times arises spontaneously from genetic errors. This disease is not overly common, yet represents an attainable near term target for stem cell therapy for a number of reasons: 1) RP destroys the light detecting cells of […]

Progenitor Cells Secreting GDNF for the Treatment of ALS

This project aims to use a powerful combined neural progenitor cell and growth factor approach to treat patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease). ALS is a devastating disease for which there is no treatment or cure. Progression from early muscle twitches to complete paralysis and death usually happens within 4 years. […]

A monoclonal antibody that depletes blood stem cells and enables chemotherapy free transplants

Successful stem cell therapy requires the replacement of diseased or dysfunctional stem cells with healthy ones. These healthy stem cells can come from either a donor or can be stem cells that are modified by gene therapy techniques. One important step in this process of repair and replacement is to eliminate the existing diseased cells […]

Phase I study of IM Injection of VEGF-Producing MSC for the Treatment of Critical Limb Ischemia

Critical limb ischemia (CLI) represents a significant unmet medical need without any approved medical therapies for patients who fail surgical or angioplasty procedures to restore blood flow to the lower leg. CLI affects 2 million people in the U.S. and is associated with an increased risk of leg amputation and death. Amputation rates in patients […]

MSC engineered to produce BDNF for the treatment of Huntington’s disease

One in every ten thousand people in the USA has Huntington’s disease, and it impacts many more. Multiple generations within a family can inherit the disease, resulting in escalating health care costs and draining family resources. This highly devastating and fatal disease touches all races and socioeconomic levels, and there are currently no cures. Screening […]

Treatment of non-traumatic osteonecrosis with endogenous Mesenchymal stem cells

Although most individuals are aware that osteoporosis is disease of increased bone fragility that results from estrogen deficiency and aging, most are unaware of the high risk and cost of the disorder. It is estimated that close to 30% of the fractures that occur in the United States each year are due to osteoporosis (Schwartz […]