Stage of Program: Preclinical Research

White matter neuroregeneration after chemotherapy: stem cell therapy for “chemobrain”

Chemotherapy for cancer is often life saving, but it also causes a debilitating syndrome of impaired cognition characterized by deficits in attention, concentration, information processing speed, multitasking and memory. As a result, many cancer survivors find themselves unable to return to work or function in their lives as they had before their cancer therapy. These […]

The generation and expansion of tissue-engineered small intestine from human stem/ progenitor cells: a preclinical study of functional translation

This proposal aims to complete the preclinical steps to develop tissue-engineered intestine (TESI) as a functional replacement of the small intestine to treat short bowel syndrome (SBS). Common birth conditions especially those associated with prematurity result in SBS wherein 50-75% of the small intestine is gone. SBS children cannot get adequate nutrition and supportive medical […]

Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes for Patients with End Stage Heart Failure

Patients with end-stage heart failure have a 2-year survival rate of only 50% with conventional medical therapy. This dismal survival rate is actually significantly worse than patients with AIDS, liver cirrhosis, stroke, and other comparable debilitating diseases. Currently available therapies for end stage heart failure include drug and device therapies, as well as heart transplantation. […]

Combination Therapy to Enhance Antisense Mediated Exon Skipping for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common muscular dystrophy and one of the most common fatal genetic disorders. Approximately one in every 3,500 boys worldwide is affected with DMD. Extrapolating from population based studies, there are over 15,000 people currently living with DMD in the US. DMD is a devastating and incurable muscle-wasting disease […]

Retinal progenitor cells for treatment of retinitis pigmentosa

The targeted disease is retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a severe form of blindness that often runs in families, but other times arises spontaneously from genetic errors. This disease is not overly common, yet represents an attainable near term target for stem cell therapy for a number of reasons: 1) RP destroys the light detecting cells of […]

Restoration of memory in Alzheimer’s disease: a new paradigm using neural stem cell therapy

Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the leading cause of dementia, results in profound loss of memory and cognitive function, and ultimately death. In the US, someone develops AD every 69 seconds and there are over 5 million individuals suffering from AD, including approximately 600,000 Californians. Current treatments do not alter the disease course. The absence of effective […]

Targeting glioma cancer stem cells with receptor-engineered self-renewing memory T cells

While current treatment strategies for high-grade glioma can yield short term benefits, their inability to eradicate the highly tumorigenic cancer stem cell population results in disease recurrence in the vast majority of patients. Stem cells and some cancer cells (the targets of our therapy) share many common characteristics, including the ability to self-renew and grow […]

Heart Repair with Human Tissue Engineered Myocardium

Heart disease is the number one cause of morbidity and mortality in the US. With an estimated 1.5 million new or recurrent myocardial infarctions, the total economic burden on our health care system is enormous. Although conventional pharmacotherapy and surgical interventions often improve cardiac function and quality of life, many patients continue to develop refractory […]

Extracellular Matrix Bioscaffold Augmented with Human Stem Cells for Cardiovascular Repair

An estimated 16.3 million Americans suffer from coronary heart disease. Every 25 seconds, someone has a coronary event and every minute, someone dies from one. Treatment for coronary heart disease has improved greatly in recent years, yet 1 in 6 deaths in the US in 2007 was still caused by this terrible disease. Stem cells […]

Functional Neural Relay Formation by Human Neural Stem Cell Grafting in Spinal Cord Injury

We aim to develop a novel stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury (SCI) that is substantially more potent than previous stem cell treatments. By combining grafts of neural stem cells with scaffolds placed in injury sites, we have been able to optimize graft survival and filling of the injury site. Grafted cells extend long […]