Program Type: Infrastructure

The Berkeley Human Embryonic Stem Cell Shared Research Laboratory

Investigators from three major regional research and clinical institutions have instituted a stem cell research center. Numerous collaborations among our community of investigators have successfully utilized both Federal registry and non-registry human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines in the center; however, the available resources for the culture and maintenance of these lines place inherent limitations […]

Collaborative Laboratory for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute

We are proposing to expand our “safe haven” human embryonic stem cell laboratory to accommodate the enormous interest in scientific research in this field, and to provide an environment that is conducive to the goals of the CIRM’s Strategic Plan. Our collaborative Shared Laboratory will support the research of all of our institution’s many stem […]

North Bay CIRM Shared Research Laboratory for Stem Cells and Aging

Age-related diseases of the nervous system are major challenges for biomedicine in the 21st century. These disorders, which include Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and stroke, cause loss of neural tissue and functional impairment. Currently, there is no cure for these devastating neurological disorders. A promising approach to the treatment of […]

Shared viral vector facility for genetic manipulation of huamn ES cell

Human ES (hES) cells offer the opportunity to be converted into replacement tissues for diseased organs and provide cures for diseases like Parkinson’s, diabetes, and a host of neurological disorders. Unfortunately due to political considerations, scientific space containing equipment and other resources provided by the federal government are off limits for work on unapproved hES […]

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