Program Type: Infrastructure

UC Berkeley CIRM Center of Excellence

The Stem Cell Center is a cornerstone program of campus biomedical research that capitalizes on our strengths in basic and preclinical research, as well as collaborations with neighboring research institutions, to support high impact investigations with several major emphases: (1) stem cell self-renewal, (2) hematopoietic differentiation, (3) neural differentiation and neurodegeneration, (4) cardiovascular and skeletal […]

Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine

The San Diego Consortium for Regenerative Medicine (“SDCRM”) is a nonprofit organization formed to marshal the intellectual resources of four world-leaders in life sciences research, including the Burnham Institute for Medical Research, the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, The Scripps Research Institute and the University of California, San Diego. In addition to the collective strength […]

CIRM Center of Excellence at Buck Institute for Age Research

Facility The Buck Institute for Age Research proposes to develop a CIRM Major Facility to investigate the role of stem cells in aging and in the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of age-related disease. A new building devoted to human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research will be constructed adjacent to space earmarked for our CIRM Shared […]

Intellectual Property for Stem Cell-Related Inventions – HBRI

The work is directly relevant to stem-cell (SC)-derived therapy that will advance treatment of serious disease in humans. Research & product development will provide novel methods to SC technology to address the needs of California & other patients. The institute has all the intellectual property (IP) resources and experience to gauge and monitor the potential […]

Patent Assistance Fund Proposal – UCSF

Our institution is a top-tier research university with many CIRM-funded researchers. At a time when our invention disclosures and patent costs are increasing, our budget is not keeping pace. We are asking for assistance from the CIRM Patent Assistance Fund to ensure that our stem cell-related inventions are given the best chance to be developed […]

Intellectual Property in Regenerative Bioengineering from CIRM funded research in regenerative medicine at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

UCSB’s Office of Technology & Industry Alliances (TIA) was established in 2005 with two primary responsibilities: manage intellectual property from UCSB research (including out-licensing) and manage the many agreements with industry partners who support research collaborations (e.g. research, material transfer, and non-disclosure agreements and memorandums of understanding). Our goal is to build effective, long-term and […]

CIRM Patent Prosecution Assistance Fund for Stem Cell Technologies – UCD

The technology transfer office (TTO) has the primary responsibility of managing intellectual property for the institution. The TTO is well positioned for its mission through an effective functional internal structure to process invention disclosures, evaluate patentability and marketability, to patent inventions, seek out the right licensees and manage post licensing activities. In addition, the TTO […]

CIRM Patent Assistance Fund Application – UCI

The Office of Technology Alliances (OTA) at UC Irvine is comprised of 12 full-time staff including seven licensing officers and 4 support staff with an average of 10 years of experience in technology licensing (industry & academic). We have access to hundreds of UC approved patent law firms to accomplish the filing, prosecution, and issuance […]

Funding for Patent Applications for CIRM-funded Inventions out of Stanford University

Stanford receives around 500 new invention disclosures per year from a faculty base of over 1,800 members and over 15,000 students, as well as some staff. Our licensing professionals have a wealth of experience in technology transfer as well as business development and evaluate each invention disclosure provided to the office. Most of our licensing […]

Patent Assistance Fund – UCLA

As part of the core mission for the campus that bears benefits for faculty, the academic enterprise, and society at-large, our office provides a central role of managing the campus intellectual property and by promoting entrepreneurship and industry engagement. Over the past 20 years, our campus faculty IP has generated more than $280 million license […]