Project Objective: Clinical Trial, Phase 1 or Phase 1/2

Evaluation of Safety and Preliminary Efficacy of Escalating Doses of GRNOPC1 in Subacute Spinal Cord Injury

The proposed project is designed to assess the safety and preliminary activity of escalating doses of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) derived oligodendrocyte progenitor cells for treatment of spinal cord injury. Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells have two important functions: they produce neurotrophic factors which stimulate the survival and growth of neurons (nerve cells) after injury, and […]


A phase I/II study of human placental hematopoietic stem cell derived natural killer cells (CYNK-001) for the treatment of adults with COVID-19

Therapeutic Candidate or Device Human placental hematopoietic stem cell derived natural killer cells (CYNK-001) Indication SARS-CoV-2 positive patients requiring hospital admission and have any 2 out of 3 symptoms: fever, cough, or positive disease-related chest x-ray. Therapeutic Mechanism CYNK-001 is allogenic, human placental hematopoietic stem cell-derived NK cells that express the dominant NK cells marker […]

Transplantation of CRISPR-CAS9 Corrected Hematopoietic Stem Cells (CRISPR_SCD001) in Patients with Severe Sickle Cell Disease

Therapeutic Candidate or Device CRISPR corrected blood stem cells are manufactured from persons with severe sickle cell disease and returned by transplant to the same person Indication Persons with sickle cell disease (adults and adolescents) with repeated, severe painful and lung events are eligible for the clinical trial Therapeutic Mechanism Blood stem cells are harvested […]

A Phase 1 Study of ECT-001 Expanded Cord Blood and Myeloablative Regimen with Reduced Toxicity in Patients with Severe Sickle Cell Disease.

Therapeutic Candidate or Device ECT-001 graft contains more stem and immune cells than conventional cord blood graft, leading to prompt recovery and better outcomes for patients. Indication Severe Sickle Cell Disease Therapeutic Mechanism Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the only cure for severe sickle cell disease. The ECT-001 expanded cord blood cells will replace the […]

A hub and spoke community model to equitably deliver regenerative medicine therapies to diverse populations across four California counties

Expand capacities to deliver novel cell and gene therapy treatments to diverse communities across four California Counties (REAL: ORange, RivErside, San BernArdino, and Los Angeles). We will conduct regenerative medicine trials, train a diverse workforce, and deliver novel network offerings. UCI ASCC REAL will accelerate the delivery of regenerative medicine to all Californians, emphasizing diversity, […]

Alpha Clinic Network Expansion for Cell and Gene Therapies

The CIRM Alpha Clinic will expand capacities and workforce expertise to accelerate development, clinical testing, and dissemination of novel cell and gene therapies for a broad range of conditions that impact Californians across the lifespan and from diverse backgrounds and underserved communities. In 2020, Californians voted to increase their investment in regenerative medicine to address […]

Expansion of the Alpha Stem Cell and Gene Therapy Clinic at UCLA

The ASCC provides infrastructure and operational support across the Network to drive novel stem cell therapies from bench to bedside. The ASCC will engage underserved communities in California to increase education and access to regenerative medicine trials and therapeutics. The ASCC will accelerate the clinical trial pipeline of novel regenerative medicine therapeutics and solidify California […]

UC San Diego Health CIRM Alpha Stem Cell Clinic

1. Strengthen and expand collaborations with ASCC Network partners with lead offerings 2. Improve access to clinical trials for diverse populations 3. Expand regenerative medicine clinical trial portfolio in major UCSD ASCC focus areas, including of cancer, metabolic disease, and neurological disease Innovative stem cell and gene therapy clinical trials can be implemented and accelerated […]

Alpha Stem Cell Clinic for Northern and Central California

The UC Davis Alpha Stem Cell Clinic has improved operations and streamlined processes for conducting stem cell and gene therapy clinical trials. The current proposal will accelerate and expand our activities with a focus on reaching the underserved populations in our expansive catchment area. The UC Davis Alpha Stem Cell Clinic (ASCC) recognizes the importance […]