iPSC-derived smooth muscle cell progenitor conditioned medium for treatment of pelvic organ prolapse

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Research Objective Conditioned media from human iPSC-derived smooth muscle cell progenitors. This media exerts paracrine effect to restore damaged vaginal wall in patients with pelvic organ prolapse. Impact Pelvic organ…

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Transplantation of genetically corrected iPSC-microglia for the treatment of Sanfilippo Syndrome (MPSIIIA)

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Research Objective This research will discover whether transplantation of stem cell-derived microglia can be used to treat Sanfilippo syndrome, a devastating and currently untreatable childhood neurological disease. Impact If successful,…

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Providing a cure for sphingosine phosphate lyase insufficiency syndrome (SPLIS) through adeno-associated viral mediated SGPL1 gene therapy

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Research Objective AAV-SPL 2.0 is a gene therapy cure for SPLIS, a lethal childhood disorder of metabolism that causes kidney failure. Our gene therapy may also work in more common…

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Improving the efficacy and tolerability of clinically validated remyelination-inducing molecules using developable combinations of approved drugs

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Research Objective The candidate is a fixed dose binary small molecule drug combination, consisting of two agents that act synergistically on a multipotent stem cell population in the CNS to…

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