Labeling of human embryonic stem cells with iron oxide nanoparticles and fluorescent dyes for a non-invasive cell depiction with MR imaging and optical imaging

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Non-invasive imaging techniques for an in vivo tracking of transplanted stem cells offer real-time insight into the underlying biological processes of new stem cell based therapies, with the aim to…

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Technology for hESC-Derived Cardiomyocyte Differentiation and Optimization of Graft-Host Integration in Adult Myocardium

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Stem cells therapies hold great promise in the treatment of cardiac diseases such as coronary heart disease or congestive heart failure. Thanks to their ability to transform into almost any…

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A modular automation approach to stem cell modeling to increase throughput, reproducibility and access

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This project enhances stem cell access, scalability, and collaboration. It offers characterized hPSC lines, CRISPR editing, and differentiation on automated platforms accelerating progress in biology, disease research, and regenerative medicine.…

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