Therapeutic/Technology: Exploring disease mechanisms

Mapping and modeling endothelial cell fate decisions for pulmonary arterial hypertension

Research Objective We will build a foundational model and experimental platform to catalog all genes that promote and protect against PAH, with the potential to extend to many other developmental and disease processes. Impact The studies aim to identify genetic targets for PAH therapy and develop a predictive model to accelerate stem cell research and […]

Lewy body dementia, 𝛼-synuclein, and cell-specific mechanisms of neurodegeneration

Research Objective We will generate insights about mechanisms by which 𝛼-synuclein leads to neurodegeneration of the forebrain and substantia nigra, regions affected in Lewy body dementias and Parkinson disease. Impact If the proposed studies are successfully achieved, they will impact our understanding of Lewy body dementias specifically and 𝛼-synucleinopathies and neurodegeneration more broadly. Major Proposed […]

Neuroimmune interactions in the developing human brain

Research Objective This project will identify mechanisms by which immune cells regulate human brain development, and use stem cell derived models to identify pathological changes induced by congenital virus infection. Impact Neurodevelopmental disorders caused by immune cell perturbations will be impacted by the fundamental understanding of how immune system controls normal development of the brain. […]

Investigating the SGF29/SAGA complex in regulation of normal and cancer stem cells

Research Objective This study will address gaps in our understanding of how normal and cancer stem cells differ in their epigenetic states, helping develop new cancer-stem-cell-targeting therapis. Impact The long-term impact of our studies is the understanding of mechnistic differences between normal and cancer stem cells and the development of new therapies. Major Proposed Activities […]

Village-based identification of human risk factors for viral neuropathogenesis

Research Objective We will identify the risk factors underlying viral infections of the fetal brain using a novel human stem cell-based platform that has the potential to accelerate basic and translational discoveries. Impact Our work will identify the biological factors that influence inter-individual differences in susceptibility and immune response to neurotropic viruses, which could inform […]

Modeling and understanding alveolar hypoplasia in Down syndrome using iPSCs-derived alveolar type II cells

Research Objective Understanding alveolar progenitor cell defects in T21 and the genes/pathways associated with them will allow for developing therapeutic approaches for individuals with DS. Impact Although trisomy 21 affects multiple organ system, respiratory complications are the major cause of death in kids and adults with DS. The causes of lung disease in DS remain […]

Defining the source of dysfunction in monogenic Intellectual Disability Syndrome neurons

Research Objective This study will use pluripotent stem cells derived from patients to determine why Intellectual Disabilities caused by mutations in chromatin regulatory proteins leads to neuronal defects. Impact Our study of intellectual disability syndromes will determine links between mutations and neuronal dysfunction Major Proposed Activities Our study of intellectual disability syndromes will determine links […]

Ex vivo fate mapping of human lung stem cell plasticity in fibrotic disease

Research Objective This proposal will design new models to study behavior that is specific to human lung stem cells, and screen for drugs that can target abnormal stem cells in fibrotic disease. Impact This study will generate potential new therapeutic approaches to fibrotic lung diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Major Proposed Activities Development of […]

Modeling Retinitis Pigmentosa using patient-derived human iPSC organoids

Research Objective The objective of this proposal is to develop a human retinal organoid model of adRP to gain insights in pathogenesis and assess clinically relevant approaches to restore RHO protein function. Impact Upon successful completion of this study, we will have established a disease-in-a-dish model and a novel therapeutic approach towards management of the […]

Functional genomics to study cellular convergence across ASD risk genes in neurodevelopment

Research Objective Our objective is to enable scalable genetic screening to study how neurogenesis is impacted by risk genes implicated in human psychiatric disorders. Impact We will develop and apply state-of-the-art genomic analysis to seek mechanisms and disease modifying solutions. Major Proposed Activities Identifying and validating efficient gRNA for gene editing Identify risk gene effects […]

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