Extending Immune-Evasive Human Islet-Like Organoids (HILOs) Survival and Function as a Cure for T1D

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Research Objective Determine optimal islet transplant conditions and systemic treatments that promote graft survival upon transplantation into immune-competent diabetic subjects. Impact Our proposal will optimize the generation and viability of…

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Transplantation of genetically corrected iPSC-microglia for the treatment of Sanfilippo Syndrome (MPSIIIA)

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Research Objective This research will discover whether transplantation of stem cell-derived microglia can be used to treat Sanfilippo syndrome, a devastating and currently untreatable childhood neurological disease. Impact If successful,…

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Providing a cure for sphingosine phosphate lyase insufficiency syndrome (SPLIS) through adeno-associated viral mediated SGPL1 gene therapy

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Research Objective AAV-SPL 2.0 is a gene therapy cure for SPLIS, a lethal childhood disorder of metabolism that causes kidney failure. Our gene therapy may also work in more common…

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Generating deeper and more durable BCMA CAR T cell responses in Multiple Myeloma through non-viral knockin/knockout multiplexed genome engineering

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Research Objective We will use integrated gene editing techniques to develop a new CAR-T cell therapy for multiple myeloma treatment Impact Develop an improved CAR-T cell therapy for patients with…

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New noncoding RNA chemical entity for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.

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Research Objective Modified synthetic noncoding RNA molecule Impact Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction Major Proposed Activities Lead optimizationPerform extensive preclinical testing and select a therapeutic candidate.Develop and test preliminary…

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Human iPSC-derived chimeric antigen receptor expressing macrophages for improved cancer treatment.

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Research Objective These studies will produce a new CAR-targeted iPSC-derived macrophage-based cell therapy product for treatment of refractory malignancies such as ovarian cancer. Impact These studies eliminate a bottleneck in…

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A universally applicable skin sheet for Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa via next-generation gene editing, iPS cell technology and tissue engineering

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Research Objective We will develop a cell therapy for a rare skin disease. Patient-derived iPS cells will be genetically corrected and differentiated into epithelial sheets to be grafted on skin…

Continue ReadingA universally applicable skin sheet for Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa via next-generation gene editing, iPS cell technology and tissue engineering